import import org.xml.sax.InputSource import scala.xml._ object Test extends App { val e: scala.xml.MetaData = Null //Node.NoAttributes val sc: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding = TopScope val xmlFile1 = ""; val isrc1 = new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlFile1)) val parsedxml1 = XML.load(isrc1) val isrc11 = new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlFile1)) val parsedxml11 = XML.load(isrc11) val c = new Node { def label = "hello" override def hashCode() = Utility.hashCode(prefix, label, attributes.hashCode(), scope.hashCode(), child); def child = Elem(null, "world", e, sc); //def attributes = e; override def text = "" } println("equality") assert(c == parsedxml11) assert(parsedxml1 == parsedxml11) assert(List(parsedxml1) sameElements List(parsedxml11)) assert(Array(parsedxml1).toList sameElements List(parsedxml11)) val x2 = "Peter BunemanDan SuciuData on ze web"; val i = new InputSource(new StringReader(x2)) val x2p = XML.load(i) assert(x2p == Elem(null, "book" , e, sc, Elem(null, "author", e, sc,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null, "author", e, sc,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null, "title" , e, sc,Text("Data on ze web")))) val xmlFile2 = "Peter BunemanDan SuciuData on ze webJohn MitchellFoundations of Programming Languages"; val isrc2 = new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlFile2)) val parsedxml2 = XML.load(isrc2) println("xpath \\") assert(parsedxml1 \ "_" sameElements List(Elem(null,"world", e, sc))) assert(parsedxml1 \ "world" sameElements List(Elem(null,"world", e, sc))) assert( (parsedxml2 \ "_") sameElements List( Elem(null,"book", e, sc, Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"title" , e, sc, Text("Data on ze web"))), Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("John Mitchell")), Elem(null,"title",e,sc,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages")))) ) assert((parsedxml2 \ "author").isEmpty) assert( (parsedxml2 \ "book") sameElements List( Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"title" , e, sc, Text("Data on ze web"))), Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("John Mitchell")), Elem(null,"title" , e, sc, Text("Foundations of Programming Languages"))) ) ) assert( (parsedxml2 \ "_" \ "_") sameElements List( Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"title" , e, sc, Text("Data on ze web")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("John Mitchell")), Elem(null,"title" , e, sc, Text("Foundations of Programming Languages")) ) ) assert( (parsedxml2 \ "_" \ "author") sameElements List( Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("John Mitchell")) ) ) assert((parsedxml2 \ "_" \ "_" \ "author").isEmpty) Console.println("xpath \\\\ DESCENDANTS"); assert( (parsedxml2 \\ "author") sameElements List( Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("John Mitchell")) ) ) assert( (parsedxml2 \\ "title") sameElements List( Elem(null,"title", e, sc, Text("Data on ze web")), Elem(null,"title", e, sc, Text("Foundations of Programming Languages"))) ) println( (parsedxml2 \\ "book" ){ n:Node => (n \ "title") xml_== "Data on ze web" } ) assert( ((new NodeSeq { val theSeq = List( parsedxml2 ) }) \\ "_") sameElements List( Elem(null,"bib",e,sc, Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null, "author", e, sc, Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null, "author", e, sc, Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null, "title" , e, sc, Text("Data on ze web"))), Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("John Mitchell")), Elem(null,"title",e,sc,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages")))), Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"title",e,sc,Text("Data on ze web"))), Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"title",e,sc,Text("Data on ze web")), Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("John Mitchell")), Elem(null,"title",e,sc,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages"))), Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("John Mitchell")), Elem(null,"title",e,sc,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages")) ) ) // test group node Console println "-- group nodes" val zx1: Node = Group { } val zy1 = {zx1} Console println zy1.toString() val zx2: Node = Group { List(,zy1,zx1) } Console println zx2.toString() val zz1 = assert(zx1 xml_== zz1) assert(zz1.length == 3) // unparsed println("attribute value normalization") val xmlAttrValueNorm = ""; { val isrcA = new InputSource( new StringReader(xmlAttrValueNorm) ); val parsedxmlA = XML.load(isrcA); val c = (parsedxmlA \ "@nom").text.charAt(0); assert(c == '\u015e'); } // buraq: if the following test fails with 'character x not allowed', it is // related to the mutable variable in a closures in MarkupParser.parsecharref { val isr =; val pxmlB = scala.xml.parsing.ConstructingParser.fromSource(isr,false); val parsedxmlB = pxmlB.element(TopScope); val c = (parsedxmlB \ "@nom").text.charAt(0); assert(c == '\u015e'); } // #60 test by round trip val p = scala.xml.parsing.ConstructingParser.fromSource(""),true) val n = p.element(new scala.xml.NamespaceBinding("bar","BAR",scala.xml.TopScope))(0) assert( n.attributes.get("BAR", n, "attr").nonEmpty) }