import import org.xml.sax.InputSource import scala.testing.SUnit._ import scala.util.logging._ import scala.xml._ object Test extends Application with Assert { val e: scala.xml.MetaData = Null //Node.NoAttributes val sc: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding = TopScope val xmlFile1 = ""; val isrc1 = new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlFile1)) val parsedxml1 = XML.load(isrc1) val isrc11 = new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlFile1)) val parsedxml11 = XML.load(isrc11) val c = new Node { def label = "hello" override def hashCode() = Utility.hashCode(prefix, label, attributes.hashCode(), scope.hashCode(), child); def child = Elem(null, "world", e, sc); //def attributes = e; override def text = "" } assertSameElements(List(3), List(3)) println("equality") assertEquals(c, parsedxml11) assertEquals(parsedxml1, parsedxml11) assertSameElements(List(parsedxml1), List(parsedxml11)) assertSameElements(Array(parsedxml1).toList, List(parsedxml11)) val x2 = "Peter BunemanDan SuciuData on ze web"; val i = new InputSource(new StringReader(x2)) val x2p = XML.load(i) assertEquals(x2p, Elem(null, "book" , e, sc, Elem(null, "author", e, sc,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null, "author", e, sc,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null, "title" , e, sc,Text("Data on ze web")))); val xmlFile2 = "Peter BunemanDan SuciuData on ze webJohn MitchellFoundations of Programming Languages"; val isrc2 = new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlFile2)) val parsedxml2 = XML.load(isrc2) // xmlFile2/book -> book,book println("xpath \\") assertSameElements(parsedxml1 \ "_" , List(Elem(null,"world", e, sc))) assertSameElements(parsedxml1 \ "world", List(Elem(null,"world", e, sc))) /* Console.println( parsedxml2 \ "_" ); Console.println( (parsedxml2 \ "_" ).iterator); for( val i <- (parsedxml2 \ "_" ).iterator) { Console.println( i ); }; */ assertSameElements( parsedxml2 \ "_" , List( Elem(null,"book", e, sc, Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"title" , e, sc, Text("Data on ze web"))), Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("John Mitchell")), Elem(null,"title",e,sc,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages")))) ); assertEquals( (parsedxml2 \ "author").length, 0 ); assertSameElements( parsedxml2 \ "book", List( Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"title" , e, sc, Text("Data on ze web"))), Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("John Mitchell")), Elem(null,"title" , e, sc, Text("Foundations of Programming Languages"))) ) ); assertSameElements( parsedxml2 \ "_" \ "_", List( Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"title" , e, sc, Text("Data on ze web")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("John Mitchell")), Elem(null,"title" , e, sc, Text("Foundations of Programming Languages")) ) ); assertSameElements( parsedxml2 \ "_" \ "author", List( Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("John Mitchell")) ) ); assertSameElements( (parsedxml2 \ "_" \ "_" \ "author"), List() ); Console.println("xpath \\\\ DESCENDANTS"); assertSameElements( parsedxml2 \\ "author", List( Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"author", e, sc, Text("John Mitchell")) ) ); assertSameElements( parsedxml2 \\ "title", List( Elem(null,"title", e, sc, Text("Data on ze web")), Elem(null,"title", e, sc, Text("Foundations of Programming Languages"))) ); println( (parsedxml2 \\ "book" ){ n:Node => n \ "title" == "Data on ze web" } ); assertEquals( (new NodeSeq { val theSeq = List( parsedxml2 ) }) \\ "_", List( Elem(null,"bib",e,sc, Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null, "author", e, sc, Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null, "author", e, sc, Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null, "title" , e, sc, Text("Data on ze web"))), Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("John Mitchell")), Elem(null,"title",e,sc,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages")))), Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem(null,"title",e,sc,Text("Data on ze web"))), Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("Peter Buneman")), //Text("Peter Buneman"), Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("Dan Suciu")), //Text("Dan Suciu"), Elem(null,"title",e,sc,Text("Data on ze web")), //Text("Data on ze web"), Elem(null,"book",e,sc, Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("John Mitchell")), Elem(null,"title",e,sc,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages"))), Elem(null,"author",e,sc,Text("John Mitchell")), //Text("John Mitchell"), Elem(null,"title",e,sc,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages")) //Text("Foundations of Programming Languages") ) ); // test group node Console println "-- group nodes" val zx1: Node = Group { } val zy1 = {zx1} Console println zy1.toString() val zx2: Node = Group { List(,zy1,zx1) } Console println zx2.toString() val zz1 = assertTrue(zx1 == zz1) assertTrue(zz1.length == 3) // unparsed val uup = &<<>""^%@$!# assertTrue(uup == "&<<>\"\"^%@$!#") // test unicode escapes backslash u println("attribute value normalization") val xmlAttrValueNorm = ""; { val isrcA = new InputSource( new StringReader(xmlAttrValueNorm) ); val parsedxmlA = XML.load(isrcA); val c = (parsedxmlA \ "@nom").text.charAt(0); //Console.println("char '"+c+"' \u015e"); assertTrue(c == '\u015e'); } // buraq: if the following test fails with 'character x not allowed', it is // related to the mutable variable in a closures in MarkupParser.parsecharref { val isr =; val pxmlB = scala.xml.parsing.ConstructingParser.fromSource(isr,false); val parsedxmlB = pxmlB.element(TopScope); val c = (parsedxmlB \ "@nom").text.charAt(0); //Console.println("char '"+c+"' \u015e"); assertTrue(c == '\u015e'); } // #60 test by round trip val p = scala.xml.parsing.ConstructingParser.fromSource(""),true) val n = p.element(new scala.xml.NamespaceBinding("bar","BAR",scala.xml.TopScope))(0) assertFalse( n.attributes.get("BAR", n, "attr").isEmpty) }