import testing.SUnit._ object Test extends TestConsoleMain { import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Utility} import NodeSeq.seqToNodeSeq val ax = val cx = crazy text world val bx = object XmlEx extends TestCase("attributes") with Assert { override def runTest = { assertTrue("@one", ax \ "@foo" == "bar") // uses NodeSeq.view! assertTrue("@two", ax \ "@foo" == xml.Text("bar")) // dto. assertTrue("@three", bx \ "@foo" == "bar&x") // dto. assertTrue ("@four", (bx \ "@foo") sameElements List(xml.Text("bar&x"))) assertEquals("@five", "", bx.toString) } } object XmlEy extends TestCase("attributes with namespace") with Assert { override def runTest = { val z = ax \ "@{the namespace from outer space}foo" assertTrue("@six", ax \ "@{the namespace from outer space}foo" == "baz") assertTrue("@eight", cx \ "@{the namespace from outer space}foo" == "baz") try { ax \ "@" assertTrue("wrong1", false) } catch { case _: IllegalArgumentException => } try { ax \ "@{" assertTrue("wrong2", false) } catch { case _: IllegalArgumentException => } try { ax \ "@{}" assertTrue("wrong3", false) } catch { case _: IllegalArgumentException => } } } object XmlPat extends TestCase("patterns") with Assert { override def runTest = { assertTrue( match { case => true; case _ => false; }) assertTrue( match { case => true; case _ => false; }); assertTrue(Utility.trim(cx) match { case n @ crazy text world if n \ "@foo" == "bar" => true; }) assertTrue(Utility.trim(cx) match { case n @ crazy text world if n \ "@foo" == "bar" => true; }) } } object DodgyNamespace extends TestCase("DodgyNamespace") with Assert { override def runTest = { val x = assertTrue(x.toString.matches(".*xmlns:dog=\"\".*")); } } def suite = new TestSuite( XmlEx, XmlEy, XmlPat, DodgyNamespace ) }