import; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import scala.xml.nobinding.XML; import scala.testing.UnitTest._ ; import scala.xml.{Node,NodeSeq,Elem,Text}; object Test with Application { val e = Node.NoAttributes; /* def eq( a:Seq[Node], b:Seq[Node] ):boolean = { (a.length == b.length) && eq(a.elements,b.elements) } def eq( ita:Iterator[Node], itb:Iterator[Node] ) = { var res = true; while( ita.hasNext && itb.hasNext && res ) { res = ( ==; }; !ita.hasNext && !itb.hasNext && res } */ val xmlFile1 = ""; val isrc1 = new InputSource( new StringReader( xmlFile1 ) ); val parsedxml1 = XML.load( isrc1 ); val isrc11 = new InputSource( new StringReader( xmlFile1 ) ); val parsedxml11 = XML.load( isrc11 ); val c = new Node { def label = "hello"; def namespace = ""; def child = List(Elem("","world",e)); def attributes = e; }; assertSameElements( List( 3 ), List( 3 )); Console.println("equality"); assertEquals( c, parsedxml11 ); assertEquals( parsedxml1, parsedxml11 ); assertSameElements( List(parsedxml1), List(parsedxml11)); assertSameElements( Iterator.fromArray(Predef.Array(parsedxml1)).toList, List(parsedxml11)); val x2 = "Peter BunemanDan SuciuData on ze web"; val i = new InputSource( new StringReader( x2 )); val x2p = XML.load( i ); assertEquals(x2p, Elem("","book",e, Elem("","author",e,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem("","author",e,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem("","title",e,Text("Data on ze web")))); val xmlFile2 = "Peter BunemanDan SuciuData on ze webJohn MitchellFoundations of Programming Languages"; val isrc2 = new InputSource( new StringReader( xmlFile2 ) ); val parsedxml2 = XML.load( isrc2 ); // xmlFile2/book -> book,book Console.println("xpath \\"); assertSameElements( parsedxml1 \ "_" , List( Elem("","world",e) ) ); assertSameElements( parsedxml1 \ "world", List( Elem("","world",e) ) ); /* Console.println( parsedxml2 \ "_" ); Console.println( (parsedxml2 \ "_" ).elements); for( val i <- (parsedxml2 \ "_" ).elements) { Console.println( i ); }; */ assertSameElements( parsedxml2 \ "_" , List( Elem("","book", e, Elem("","author",e,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem("","author",e,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem("","title",e,Text("Data on ze web"))), Elem("","book",e, Elem("","author",e,Text("John Mitchell")), Elem("","title",e,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages")))) ); assertEquals( (parsedxml2 \ "author").length, 0 ); assertSameElements( parsedxml2 \ "book", List( Elem("","book",e, Elem("","author",e,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem("","author",e,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem("","title",e,Text("Data on ze web"))), Elem("","book",e, Elem("","author",e,Text("John Mitchell")), Elem("","title",e,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages"))) ) ); assertSameElements( parsedxml2 \ "_" \ "_", List( Elem("","author",e,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem("","author",e,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem("","title",e,Text("Data on ze web")), Elem("","author",e,Text("John Mitchell")), Elem("","title",e,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages")) ) ); assertSameElements( parsedxml2 \ "_" \ "author", List( Elem("","author",e,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem("","author",e,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem("","author",e,Text("John Mitchell")) ) ); assertSameElements( (parsedxml2 \ "_" \ "_" \ "author"), List() ); Console.println("xpath \\\\ DESCENDANTS"); assertSameElements( parsedxml2 \\ "author", List( Elem("","author",e,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem("","author",e,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem("","author",e,Text("John Mitchell")) ) ); assertEquals( new NodeSeq(List( parsedxml2 )) \\ "_", List( Elem("","bib",e, Elem("","book",e, Elem("","author",e,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem("","author",e,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem("","title",e,Text("Data on ze web"))), Elem("","book",e, Elem("","author",e,Text("John Mitchell")), Elem("","title",e,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages")))), Elem("","book",e, Elem("","author",e,Text("Peter Buneman")), Elem("","author",e,Text("Dan Suciu")), Elem("","title",e,Text("Data on ze web"))), Elem("","author",e,Text("Peter Buneman")), Text("Peter Buneman"), Elem("","author",e,Text("Dan Suciu")), Text("Dan Suciu"), Elem("","title",e,Text("Data on ze web")), Text("Data on ze web"), Elem("","book",e, Elem("","author",e,Text("John Mitchell")), Elem("","title",e,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages"))), Elem("","author",e,Text("John Mitchell")), Text("John Mitchell"), Elem("","title",e,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages")), Text("Foundations of Programming Languages") ) ); assertSameElements( parsedxml2 \\ "title", List( Elem("","title",e,Text("Data on ze web")), Elem("","title",e,Text("Foundations of Programming Languages"))) ); Console.println("NodeSeq"); import scala.xml.Utility.view ; val p = ; assertSameElements( for( val x <- p \ "bar"; val y <- p \ "baz" ) yield { x.attribute("value") + y.attribute("bazValue")+ "!" }, new NodeSeq(List(Text("38!"),Text("58!"))) ); val books = Blabla Blubabla Baaaaaaalabla ; val reviews = Blabla Hallo Welt. Blubabla Hello Blu Blubabla rem 2 ; Console.println( new scala.xml.PrettyPrinter(80, 5).format ( for( val t <- books \\ "title"; val r <- reviews \\ "entry"; r \ "title" == t) yield { t } { r \ "remarks" } )); // example Console.println( for( val t @ Blabla <- new NodeSeq( books.child ).asList) yield t ); val phoneBook = This is the phonebook of the ACME corporation. John +41 21 693 68 67 +41 79 602 23 23 ; val addrBook = This is the addressbook of the ACME corporation. John Elm Street Dolphin City ; Console.println( new scala.xml.PrettyPrinter(80, 5).format ( for( val t <- addrBook \\ "entry"; val r <- phoneBook \\ "entry"; t \ "name" == r \ "name") yield { t.child } { r \ "phone" } )); /* patterns */ Console.println("patterns"); assertEquals( match { case => true; case _ => false; }, true); assertEquals( match { case => true; case _ => false; }, true); assertEquals( crazy text world match { case crazy text world => true; case _ => false; }, true); /* namespaces */ Console.println("namespaces"); val cuckoo = ; assertEquals( cuckoo.namespace, ""); for( val n <- cuckoo.child ) { assertEquals( n.namespace, ""); } /* assertEquals( true, cuckoo match { case => true; case _ => false; }); */ assertEquals( false, cuckoo match { case => true; case _ => false; }); }