/** Test the @throws annotation */ import java.io.IOException object TestThrows { abstract class Foo { @throws(classOf[IOException]) def read(): Int @throws(classOf[ClassCastException]) @throws(classOf[IOException]) def readWith2(): Int @throws(classOf[IOException]) @Deprecated @throws(classOf[NullPointerException]) def readMixed(): Int @Deprecated @throws(classOf[IOException]) @throws(classOf[NullPointerException]) def readMixed2(): Int @Deprecated def readNoEx(): Int } def checkMethod(cls: Class[_], name: String) { val method = cls.getMethod(name, Array()) println(name + " throws: " + method.getExceptionTypes.mkString("", ", ", "")) println(name + " annotations: " + method.getDeclaredAnnotations.mkString("", ", ", "")) } def run(cls: Class[_]) { checkMethod(cls, "read") checkMethod(cls, "readWith2") checkMethod(cls, "readMixed") checkMethod(cls, "readMixed2") checkMethod(cls, "readNoEx") } } /** Test the top-level mirror that is has the annotations. */ object TL { @throws(classOf[IOException]) def read(): Int = 0 @throws(classOf[ClassCastException]) @throws(classOf[IOException]) def readWith2(): Int = 0 @throws(classOf[IOException]) @Deprecated @throws(classOf[NullPointerException]) def readMixed(): Int = 0 @Deprecated @throws(classOf[IOException]) @throws(classOf[NullPointerException]) def readMixed2(): Int = 0 @Deprecated def readNoEx(): Int = 0 } object Test { def main(args: Array[String]) { TestThrows.run(classOf[TestThrows.Foo]) println("Testing mirror class") TestThrows.run(Class.forName("TL")) } }