constrs.scala:6 error: type T is not a member of object test def this(y: int)(z: int)(t: this.T) = { this(this.u + y + z); Console.println(x) } ^ constrs.scala:6 error: value u is not a member of object test def this(y: int)(z: int)(t: this.T) = { this(this.u + y + z); Console.println(x) } ^ constrs.scala:10 error: called constructor's definition must precede calling constructor's definition def this() = this("abc") ^ constrs.scala:12 error: called constructor's definition must precede calling constructor's definition def this(x: boolean) = this(x) ^ constrs.scala:16 error: type mismatch; found : scala.Int(1) required: a def this() = this(1) ^ 5 errors found