class A { val bippy = 123 def f = "Put the $bippy in the $bippy!" // warn 1 } class B { val dingus = 123 def f = "Put the $bippy in the $bippy!" // no warn } class C { def f = """Put the ${println("bippy")} in the bippy!""" // warn 2 } package object test { def aleppo = 9 def greppo(n: Int) = ??? def zappos(n: Int)(implicit ord: math.Ordering[Int]) = ??? def hippo(implicit n: Int) = ??? } package test { // not sure if overloading is kosher in pkg obj yet class Doo { def beppo(i: Int) = 8 * i def beppo = 8 class Dah extends Doo { def f = "$beppo was a marx bros who saw dollars." // warn 3 } } class E { def f = "$aleppo is a pepper and a city." // warn 4 def k = s"Just an interpolation of $aleppo" // no warn } class Bar { private def bar = 8 if (bar > 8) ??? // use it to avoid extra warning } class Baz extends Bar { def f = "$bar is private, shall we warn just in case?" // warn 5 } class G { def g = "$greppo takes an arg" // no warn def z = "$zappos takes an arg too" // no warn def h = "$hippo takes an implicit" // warn 6 } class J { def j = 8 class J2 { def j(i: Int) = 2 * i def jj = "shadowed $j" // no warn } } import annotation._ @implicitNotFound("No Z in ${A}") // no warn class Z[A] }