lubs.scala:11: error: type mismatch; found : test1.A[test1.A[test1.A[Any]]] required: test1.A[test1.A[test1.A[test1.A[Any]]]] val x4: A[A[A[A[Any]]]] = f ^ lubs.scala:24: error: type mismatch; found : test2.A{type T >: test2.C with test2.D <: test2.A} required: test2.A{type T >: Null <: test2.A{type T >: Null <: test2.A}} val x3: A { type T >: Null <: A { type T >: Null <: A } } = f ^ lubs.scala:25: error: type mismatch; found : test2.A{type T >: test2.C with test2.D <: test2.A} required: test2.A{type T >: Null <: test2.A{type T >: Null <: test2.A{type T >: Null <: test2.A}}} val x4: A { type T >: Null <: A { type T >: Null <: A { type T >: Null <: A } } } = f ^ three errors found