t4044.scala:9: error: AnyRef takes no type parameters, expected: one M[AnyRef] // error, (AnyRef :: *) not kind-conformant to (N :: * -> * -> *) ^ t4044.scala:9: error: kinds of the type arguments () do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters (type N). 's type parameters do not match type N's expected parameters: has no type parameters, but type N has one M[AnyRef] // error, (AnyRef :: *) not kind-conformant to (N :: * -> * -> *) ^ t4044.scala:11: error: kinds of the type arguments (Test.A) do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters (type N). Test.A's type parameters do not match type N's expected parameters: type _ has no type parameters, but type O has one M[A] // error, (A :: (* -> *) not kind-conformant to (N :: * -> * -> *) ^ t4044.scala:15: error: kinds of the type arguments (Test.C) do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters (type N). Test.C's type parameters do not match type N's expected parameters: type _ has one type parameter, but type _ has none M[C] // error, (C :: (* -> * -> * -> *) not kind-conformant to (N :: * -> * -> *) ^ four errors found