package bugs /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: arya * Date: 12/18/12 * Time: 4:17 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ object currenttype2 { type Reward = Double trait AbstractAgent[State,Action] { type A = AbstractAgent[State,Action] def chooseAction(s: State): Action def startEpisode: A = this def learn(s1: State, a: Action, s2: State, r: Reward): A } case class RewardFunction[State,Action](r: (State,Action,State) => Reward) trait Rules[G<:GameDomain] { def simulate(state: G#State, agentActions: List[(G#Agent,G#Action)]): G#State } trait AgentSimulation[G<:GameDomain] { val agents: List[G#Agent] val state: G#State val rewards: Map[G#Agent,G#Rewards] val rules: Rules[G] val pastHistory: List[G#State] lazy val currentHistory = state :: pastHistory lazy val actions: Map[G#Agent,G#Action] = => a -> a.chooseAction(state)).toMap lazy val nextState: G#State = rules.simulate(state, actions.toList) def step: AgentSimulation[G] } case class LearningSimulation[G<:GameDomain](agents: List[G#Agent], state: G#State, rewards: Map[G#Agent,G#Rewards], rules: Rules[G], pastHistory: List[G#State] = Nil) extends AgentSimulation { lazy val step: LearningSimulation = { val updatedAgents: List[G#Agent] = agents map { agent => val (s,a,s2) = (state,actions(agent),nextState) val r = rewards(agent).r(s,a,s2) agent.learn(s,a,s2,r): G#Agent } copy(agents = updatedAgents, state = nextState, pastHistory = currentHistory) } } trait GameDomain { domain => type State type Action type Agent = AbstractAgent[State, Action] // agent supertype type Rewards = RewardFunction[State,Action] } }