t7289_status_quo.scala:9: error: could not find implicit value for parameter e: Test1.Ext[List[Int]] implicitly[Ext[List[Int]]] // fails - not found ^ t7289_status_quo.scala:11: error: could not find implicit value for parameter e: Test1.Ext[List[List[List[Int]]]] implicitly[Ext[List[List[List[Int]]]]] // fails - not found ^ t7289_status_quo.scala:15: error: ambiguous implicit values: both method f in object Test1 of type [A, Coll <: CC[A], CC[X] <: Traversable[X]](implicit xi: Test1.Ext[A])Test1.Ext[Coll] and value m in object Test1 of type => Test1.Ext[List[List[Int]]] match expected type Test1.Ext[_ <: List[List[Int]]] implicitly[Ext[_ <: List[List[Int]]]] // fails - ambiguous ^ t7289_status_quo.scala:20: error: could not find implicit value for parameter e: Test1.ExtCov[List[Int]] implicitly[ExtCov[List[Int]]] // fails - not found ^ t7289_status_quo.scala:21: error: could not find implicit value for parameter e: Test1.ExtCov[List[List[Int]]] implicitly[ExtCov[List[List[Int]]]] // fails - not found ^ t7289_status_quo.scala:22: error: could not find implicit value for parameter e: Test1.ExtCov[List[List[List[Int]]]] implicitly[ExtCov[List[List[List[Int]]]]] // fails - not found ^ 6 errors found