trait Covariant[+A] trait Invariant[A] extends Covariant[A @annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance] trait Combinable[G] { def combined = 0 } trait CanBuildFrom[+C] object C { implicit def convert1[G, TRAVONCE[+e] <: Covariant[e]] (xs: TRAVONCE[G]): Combinable[G] = ??? implicit def convert2[G, SET[e] <: Invariant[e]] (xs: SET[_ <: G]) (implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[SET[G]]): Combinable[G] = ??? implicit def cbf[A]: CanBuildFrom[Invariant[A]] = ??? } // always failed class Test1 { import C.{cbf, convert1, convert2} val s: Invariant[Nothing] = ??? s.combined // fail } // didn't fail, now correctly fails class Test2 { import C.{cbf, convert2, convert1} val s: Invariant[Nothing] = ??? // Non-uniformity with Test1 was due to order of typechecking implicit candidates: // the last candidate typechecked was the only one that could contribute undetermined type parameters // to the enclosing context, due to mutation of `Context#undetparam` in `doTypedApply`. s.combined // was okay! } class TestExplicit { import C.{cbf, convert2} val s: Invariant[Nothing] = ??? // Now the implicit Test fail uniformly as per this explicit conversion convert2(s).combined // Breaking this expression down doesn't make it work. {val c1 = convert2(s); c1.combined} } // These ones work before and after; infering G=Null doesn't need to contribute an undetermined type param. class Test3 { import C.{cbf, convert1, convert2} val s: Invariant[Null] = ??? s.combined // okay } class Test4 { import C.{cbf, convert2, convert1} val s: Invariant[Null] = ??? s.combined // okay }