tcpoly_typealias.scala:37: error: The kind of type m does not conform to the expected kind of type m<: [+x]>: scala.Nothing <: scala.Any in trait A. BInv.this.m's type parameters do not match type m's expected parameters: type x (in trait BInv) is invariant, but type x (in trait A) is declared covariant type m[x] = FooCov[x] // error: invariant x in alias def ^ tcpoly_typealias.scala:41: error: The kind of type m does not conform to the expected kind of type m<: [+x]>: scala.Nothing <: scala.Any in trait A. BCon.this.m's type parameters do not match type m's expected parameters: type x (in trait BCon) is contravariant, but type x (in trait A) is declared covariant type m[-x] = FooCon[x] // error: contravariant x ^ tcpoly_typealias.scala:45: error: The kind of type m does not conform to the expected kind of type m<: [+x]>: scala.Nothing <: scala.Any in trait A. BBound.this.m's type parameters do not match type m's expected parameters: type x (in trait BBound)'s bounds >: scala.Nothing <: scala.Predef.String are stricter than type x (in trait A)'s declared bounds >: scala.Nothing <: scala.Any type m[+x <: String] = FooBound[x] // error: x with stricter bound ^ three errors found