package test /** A trait for totally ordered data. */ trait Ordered[+a] { /** Result of comparing `this' with operand `that'. * returns `x' where * x < 0 iff this < that * x == 0 iff this == that * x > 0 iff this > that */ def compareTo [b >: a <% Ordered[b]](that: b): int def < [b >: a <% Ordered[b]](that: b): boolean = (this compareTo that) < 0 def > [b >: a <% Ordered[b]](that: b): boolean = (this compareTo that) > 0 def <= [b >: a <% Ordered[b]](that: b): boolean = (this compareTo that) <= 0 def >= [b >: a <% Ordered[b]](that: b): boolean = (this compareTo that) >= 0 } object O { implicit def view1(x: String): Ordered[String] = new Ordered[String] { def compareTo [b >: String <% Ordered[b]](y: b): int = y match { case y1: String => x compareTo y1 case _ => -(y compareTo x) } } implicit def view2(x: char): Ordered[char] = new Ordered[char] { def compareTo [b >: char <% Ordered[b]](y: b): int = y match { case y1: char => x - y1 case _ => -(y compareTo x) } } implicit def view3[a <% Ordered[a]](x: List[a]): Ordered[List[a]] = new Ordered[List[a]] { def compareTo [b >: List[a] <% Ordered[b]](y: b): int = y match { case y1: List[a] => compareLists(x, y1) case _ => -(y compareTo x) } private def compareLists(xs: List[a], ys: List[a]): int = { if (xs.isEmpty && ys.isEmpty) 0 else if (xs.isEmpty) -1 else if (ys.isEmpty) 1 else { val s = xs.head compareTo ys.head if (s != 0) s else compareLists(xs.tail, ys.tail) } } } implicit def view4[a](x: a): a = x } abstract class Tree[+a <% Ordered[a]] { def insert[b >: a <% Ordered[b]](x: b): Tree[b] def elements: List[a] } object Empty extends Tree[Nothing] { def insert[b >: Nothing <% Ordered[b]](x: b): Tree[b] = new Node(x, Empty, Empty) def elements: List[Nothing] = List() } class Node[a <% Ordered[a]](elem: a, l: Tree[a], r: Tree[a]) extends Tree[a] { def insert[b >: a <% Ordered[b]](x: b): Tree[b] = if (x == elem) this else if (x < elem) new Node(elem, l insert x, r) else new Node(elem, l, r insert x) def elements: List[a] = l.elements ::: List(elem) ::: r.elements } case class Str(elem: String) extends Ordered[Str] { def compareTo[b >: Str <% Ordered[b]](that: b): int = that match { case that1: Str => this.elem compareTo that1.elem case _ => -(that compareTo this) } } object Test { import O._ private def toCharList(s: String): List[Char] = if (s.length() == 0) List() else s.charAt(0) :: toCharList(s.substring(1)) def main(args: Array[String]) = { { var t: Tree[String] = Empty for (val s <- args) { t = t insert s } Console.println(t.elements) } { var t: Tree[Str] = Empty for (val s <- args) { t = t insert Str(s) } Console.println(t.elements) } { var t: Tree[List[char]] = Empty for (val s <- args) { t = t insert toCharList(s) } Console.println(t.elements) } } }