package custom import, reporters._, typechecker._ /** Demonstration of a custom Global with a custom Typer, * decoupled from trunk. Demonstration: * {{{ scalac -d . CustomGlobal.scala && scala -nc -Yglobal-class custom.CustomGlobal \ -e 'class Bippy(x: Int) ; def f = new Bippy(5)' I'm typing a Bippy! It's a ClassDef. I'm typing a Bippy! It's a Ident. I'm typing a Bippy! It's a DefDef. }}} * */ class CustomGlobal(currentSettings: Settings, reporter: Reporter) extends Global(currentSettings, reporter) { override lazy val analyzer = new { val global: CustomGlobal.this.type = CustomGlobal.this } with Analyzer { override def newTyper(context: Context): Typer = new CustomTyper(context) class CustomTyper(context : Context) extends Typer(context) { override def typed(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = { if (tree.summaryString contains "Bippy") println("I'm typing a Bippy! It's a " + tree.shortClass + ".") super.typed(tree, mode, pt) } } } }