/** I know what I am doing is wrong -- since I am about to look into * this bug, I add a test in pending/pos... however, I am afraid that * once this bug is fixed, this test case might go into test/pos * there it adds to the huge number of tiny little test cases. * * Ideally, an option in the bugtracking system would automatically * handle "pos" bugs. */ object Test extends Application { object Twice { def apply(x: int) = x * 2 def unapply(x: int): Option[Tuple1[int]] = if (x % 2 == 0) Some(Tuple1(x / 2)) else None } def test(x: int) = x match { case Twice(y) => "x is two times "+y case _ => "x is odd" } Console.println(test(3)) Console.println(test(4)) }