object Test{ def ?[S <: AnyRef](implicit w : S) : w.type = w // fallback, lower priority (overloading rules apply: pick alternative in subclass lowest in subtyping lattice) class ZipWithDefault { implicit def ZeroZipWith[S] = new ZipWith[S] { type T = Stream[S] } } object ZipWith extends ZipWithDefault { // def apply[S: ZipWith](s : S) = ?[ZipWith[S]].zipWith(s) // TODO: bug return type should be inferred def apply[S](s : S)(implicit zw: ZipWith[S]): zw.T = zw.zipWith(s) implicit def SuccZipWith[S,R](implicit zWith : ZipWith[R]) = new ZipWith[S => R] { type T = Stream[S] => zWith.T // dependent types replace the associated types functionality } } trait ZipWith[S] { type T def zipWith : S => T = error("") } // bug: inferred return type = (Stream[A]) => java.lang.Object with Test.ZipWith[B]{type T = Stream[B]}#T // this seems incompatible with vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv -- #3731 def map[A,B](f : A => B) /* : Stream[A] => Stream[B]*/ = ZipWith(f) val tst: Stream[Int] = map{x: String => x.length}(Stream("a")) }