object Sessions { trait Session { type Dual <: Session def run(dp: Dual): Unit } sealed case class Stop extends Session { type Dual = Stop def run(dp: Dual): Unit = {} } // can't write B <: Session{type Dual = BDual} due to limitations in type inference algorithm // (type variables cannot occur on both sides of <:) // using B#Dual instead of BDual is too imprecise, since it is disconnected from the actual argument that is passed for B // would be nice if we could introduce a universal quantification over BDual that is not part of the // type parameter list sealed case class In[A, B <: Session, BDual <: Session](recv: A => B)(implicit dual: B <:< Session{type Dual=BDual}) extends Session { type Dual = Out[A, BDual] def run(dp: Dual): Unit = recv(dp.data) run dp.cont } sealed case class Out[A, B <: Session](data: A, cont: B) extends Session { type Dual = In[A, cont.Dual, cont.Dual#Dual] def run(dp: Dual): Unit = cont run dp.recv(data) } def addServer = In{x: Int => In{y: Int => System.out.println("Thinking") Out(x+y, Stop())}} def addClient = Out(3, Out(4, { System.out.println("Waiting") In{z: Int => System.out.println(z) Stop()}})) def myRun = addServer run addClient }