package p1 { object Ex { def unapply(p: Any): Option[_ <: Int] = null } object Foo { val Ex(_) = null } } // a.scala:2: error: error during expansion of this match (this is a scalac bug). // The underlying error was: type mismatch; // found : Some[_$1(in value x$1)] where type _$1(in value x$1) // required: Some[_$1(in method unapply)] // object Foo { val Ex(_) = null } // ^ // one error found package p2 { trait Other { class Quux object Baz { def unapply(x: Any): Option[Quux] = None } } trait Reifiers { def f() { val u2: Other = null (null: Any) match { case u2.Baz(x) => println(x) } //: u2.Quux) } // The underlying error was: type mismatch; // found : Other#Quux // required: u2.Quux // x match { case u2.Baz(x) => println(x: u2.Quux) } // ^ // one error found } } }