object Geom { trait Shape case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape case class Rectangle(ll: Point, ur: Point) extends Shape { def inset(delta: Int) = Rectangle(Point(ll.x - delta, ll.y - delta), Point(ur.x + delta, ur.y + delta)); } } object Color { type Color = Int val black = 0x000000 val grey = 0x808080 } trait Screen { type Color = Int def drawRect(r: Geom.Rectangle, c: Color): Unit def fillRect(r: Geom.Rectangle, c: Color): Unit } object DummyScreen extends Screen { def drawRect(r: Geom.Rectangle, c: Color) { Console.println("draw " + r + " with " + c) } def fillRect(r: Geom.Rectangle, c: Color) { Console.println("fill " + r + " with " + c) } } object GUI { object Controller { def addMouseCtl(c: MouseCtl) = () } trait Glyph { def getRect: Geom.Rectangle def setLoc(p: Geom.Point): Unit def draw() { Console.println("draw " + this) } } class Label(scr: Screen, p: Geom.Point, name: String) extends Glyph { private var origin = p def getRect = Geom.Rectangle(origin, origin).inset(10); def setLoc(p: Geom.Point) = { origin = p } } trait Ctl { def getGlyph: Glyph def enable(b: Boolean): this.type } trait MouseCtl extends Ctl { def mouseDown(p: Geom.Point): Unit } abstract class Button(scr: Screen, p: Geom.Point, name: String) extends Glyph with MouseCtl { var enabled: Boolean = false val label = new Label(scr, p, name) /* Glyph methods */ override def draw() { if (enabled) scr.drawRect(getRect, Color.black) else scr.fillRect(getRect, Color.grey); label.draw(); } def setLoc(p: Geom.Point) = label.setLoc(p); def getRect = label.getRect.inset(-2); /* Ctl methods */ def enable(b: Boolean): this.type = { enabled = b; draw(); this } def getGlyph = label final def mouseDown(p: Geom.Point) { if (enabled) doit() else Console.println("button is disabled"); } /* deferred method to be specified by client */ def doit(): Unit } } object GUIClient { class Application { def quit() { Console.println("application exited") } } class QuitButton (scr: Screen, p: Geom.Point, name: String, a: Application) extends GUI.Button(scr, p, name) { def doit() { a.quit() } } def main(args: Array[String]) { val b = new QuitButton( DummyScreen, Geom.Point(1, 1), "quit", new Application); b.draw(); b.enable(true).mouseDown(Geom.Point(1, 2)); } }