import scala.language.higherKinds sealed trait Path { type EncodeFunc type Route[R] = List[String] => R def >>(f: Route[Int]): Sitelet[EncodeFunc] = ??? } case object PAny extends Path { type EncodeFunc = List[String] => String } case class PLit[Next <: Path]() extends Path { type EncodeFunc = Next#EncodeFunc } trait Sitelet[EncodeFunc] { self => def &[G <: H, H >: EncodeFunc](that: Sitelet[G]): Sitelet[H] = ??? } object Test { val r: Sitelet[Int => (Int => String)] = ??? val p2: PLit[PAny.type] = ??? val r2 /*: Sitelet[List[String] => String] */ // annotate type and it compiles with 2.10.0 = p2 >> { (xs: List[String]) => 0 } // This works after // Before: error: inferred type arguments [List[String] => String,List[String] => String] // do not conform to method &'s type parameter bounds // [G <: H,H >: Int => (Int => String)] val s = r & r2 }