class Foo[@specialized A] { // conflicting in bounds, expect a normalized member calling m // and bridge + implementation in specialized subclasses // and overloads here according to specialization on A def m1[@specialized B <: A](x: B, y: A) = goal(x) // conflicting, unsolvable, expect a warning def m2[@specialized B <: String](x: B) = x.concat("a") // conflicting in bounds, no mention of other spec members // expect an overload here plus implementation in // compatible specialized subclasses def m3[@specialized B >: A](x: B) = () // non-conflicting, expect a normalized overload implementation here def m4[@specialized T, U <: Ordered[T]](x: T, y: U) = () // non-conflicting, expect a normalized overload implementation here def m5[@specialized B](x: B) = x // non-conflicting, expect a normalized implementation here // and specialized implementations for all expansions in specialized subclasses def m6[@specialized B](x: B, y: A) = goal(y) def goal(x: A) = { val xs = new Array[A](1) xs(0) = x } }