trait Mapper[T <: Mapper[T]] trait KeyedMapper[KeyType, T <: KeyedMapper[KeyType, T]] extends Mapper[T] trait KeyedMetaMapper[KeyType, T <: KeyedMapper[KeyType, T]] trait MappedForeignKey[KeyType, Owner <: Mapper[Owner], Other <: KeyedMapper[KeyType, Other]] trait IdPK class TestSubject extends KeyedMapper[Long, TestSubject] with IdPK class TestRun extends KeyedMapper[Long, TestRun] with IdPK { object testSubject extends MappedForeignKey[Long, TestRun, TestSubject] } object TestRun extends TestRun with KeyedMetaMapper[Long, TestRun] class MetaTestSubject extends TestSubject with KeyedMetaMapper[Long, TestSubject] object TestSubject extends MetaTestSubject object Main { def oneToOneJoin[PType <: KeyedMapper[Long, PType] with IdPK, CType <: KeyedMapper[Long, CType] with IdPK, CMetaType <: CType with KeyedMetaMapper[Long, CType], FKType <: MappedForeignKey[Long, PType, CType]] (parents: List[PType], metaMapper: CMetaType, keyGetter: (PType) => FKType ): Map[Long, CType] = Map.empty def callIt { oneToOneJoin[TestRun, TestSubject, MetaTestSubject, MappedForeignKey[Long, TestRun, TestSubject]]( List(), TestSubject, (tr: TestRun) => tr.testSubject) } }