package philips.adolf.paul trait Sys[ S <: Sys[ S ]] { type Tx } object HASkipList { sealed trait NodeLike[ S <: Sys[ S ], @specialized( Int ) A ] { def size : Int def key( i: Int ): A } sealed trait Node[ S <: Sys[ S ], @specialized( Int ) A ] extends NodeLike[ S, A ] { def isLeaf : Boolean def isBranch : Boolean def asBranch : Branch[ S, A ] } sealed trait BranchLike[ S <: Sys[ S ], @specialized( Int ) A ] extends NodeLike[ S, A ] { def down( i: Int )( implicit tx: S#Tx ) : Node[ S, A ] = sys.error("") } sealed trait HeadOrBranch[ S <: Sys[ S ], A ] final class Branch[ S <: Sys[ S ], @specialized( Int ) A ]() extends BranchLike[ S, A ] with HeadOrBranch[ S, A ] with Node[ S, A ] { def size:Int=1234 def key(i: Int):A=sys.error("TODO") def isLeaf : Boolean = false def isBranch : Boolean = true def asBranch : Branch[ S, A ] = this } } sealed trait HASkipList[ S <: Sys[ S ], @specialized( Int ) A ] class HASkipListView[ S <: Sys[ S ], A ]( private val l: HASkipList[ S, A ])( implicit system: S ) { import HASkipList.Node private def buildBoxMap( n: Node[ S, A ], isRight: Boolean )( implicit tx: S#Tx ) : (Box, NodeBox) = { val sz = n.size val szm = sz - 1 val keys = IndexedSeq.tabulate( sz ) { i => val key = n.key( i ) (key, if( isRight && i == szm ) "M" else key.toString) } val chbo = if( n.isLeaf ) None else { val nb = n.asBranch Some( IndexedSeq.tabulate( sz )( i => buildBoxMap( nb.down( i ), isRight && (i == szm) ))) } val b = NodeBox( n, keys, _._2 ))) val bb = chbo match { case Some( chbt ) => val chb = _._1 ) val h = Horiz( bs = chb ) Vert( bs = IndexedSeq[Box]( b, h )) case None => b } (bb, b) } private trait Box private case class Horiz( spacing: Int = 20, bs: IndexedSeq[ Box ]) extends Box private final case class Vert( spacing: Int = 20, bs: IndexedSeq[ Box ]) extends Box private final case class NodeBox( n: Node[ S, A ], keys: IndexedSeq[ (A, String) ], downs: Option[ IndexedSeq[ NodeBox ]]) extends Box }