/* * The block under qual$1 must be owned by it. * In the sample bug, the first default arg generates x$4, * the second default arg generates qual$1, hence the maximal * minimization. * def model: C.this.M = { val qual$1: C.this.M = scala.Option.apply[C.this.M]({ val x$1: lang.this.String("foo") = "foo"; val x$2: String = C.this.M.apply$default$2("foo"); C.this.M.apply("foo")(x$2) }).getOrElse[C.this.M]({ val x$3: lang.this.String("bar") = "bar"; val x$4: String = C.this.M.apply$default$2("bar"); C.this.M.apply("bar")(x$4) }); val x$5: lang.this.String("baz") = "baz"; val x$6: String = qual$1.copy$default$2("baz"); qual$1.copy("baz")(x$6) } */ class C { case class M(currentUser: String = "anon")(val message: String = "empty") val m = M("foo")() // reported //def model = Option(M("foo")()).getOrElse(M("bar")()).copy(currentUser = "")() // the bug def model = Option(m).getOrElse(M("bar")()).copy("baz")() // style points for this version def modish = ((null: Option[M]) getOrElse new M()()).copy()() // various simplifications are too simple case class N(currentUser: String = "anon") val n = N("fun") def nudel = Option(n).getOrElse(N()).copy() } object Test { def main(args: Array[String]) { val c = new C println(c.model.currentUser) println(c.model.message) } } /* symbol value x$4$1 does not exist in badcopy.C.model at scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable.abort(SymbolTable.scala:45) at scala.tools.nsc.Global.abort(Global.scala:202) at scala.tools.nsc.backend.icode.GenICode$ICodePhase.liftedTree2$1(GenICode.scala:998) at scala.tools.nsc.backend.icode.GenICode$ICodePhase.scala$tools$nsc$backend$icode$GenICode$ICodePhase$$genLoad(GenICode.scala:992) */