object LeftOrRight { def unapply[A](value: Either[A, A]): Option[A] = value match { case scala.Left(x) => Some(x) case scala.Right(x) => Some(x) } } object Test { (Left((0, 0)): Either[(Int, Int), (Int, Int)]) match { case LeftOrRight(pair @ (a, b)) => a // false -Xlint warning: "extractor pattern binds a single value to a Product2 of type (Int, Int)" } (Left((0, 0)): Either[(Int, Int), (Int, Int)]) match { case LeftOrRight((a, b)) => a // false -Xlint warning: "extractor pattern binds a single value to a Product2 of type (Int, Int)" } (Left((0, 0)): Either[(Int, Int), (Int, Int)]) match { case LeftOrRight(a, b) => a // false -Xlint warning: "extractor pattern binds a single value to a Product2 of type (Int, Int)" } }