// exercise coevolveSym: SingleType with an underlying RefinedType trait Thing { type A } object IntThing extends Thing { type A = Int } // The following erroneously failed with error: method f overrides nothing. // because asSeenFrom produced a typeref of the shape T'#A where A referred to a symbol defined in a T of times past // More precisely, the TypeRef case of TypeMap's mapOver correctly modified prefix // from having an underlying type of { type A = Ain } to { type A = Int }, with a new symbol for A (now with info Int), // but the symbol in the outer type ref wasn't co-evolved (so it still referred to the { type A = AIn } underlying the old prefix) // coEvolveSym used to only look at prefixes that were directly RefinedTypes, but they could also be SingleTypes with an underlying RefinedType class View[AIn](val in: Thing { type A = AIn }) { def f(p: in.A): in.A = p } class SubView extends View[Int](IntThing) { override def f(p: in.A): in.A = p }