package foo trait ArgumentExprs1 { def f(foo: Int, bar: String)(implicit ev0: Ev0, ev1: Ev1) = 1 f( 23, "bar", )( Ev0, Ev1, ) // test arg exprs in the presence of varargs def g(x: Int, y: Int*) = 1 g(1,2, ) g(1,List(2, 3): _*, ) } trait ArgumentExprs2 { class C(foo: Int, bar: String)(implicit ev0: Ev0, ev1: Ev1) new C( 23, "bar", )( Ev0, Ev1, ) } trait Params { def f( foo: Int, bar: String, )(implicit ev0: Ev0, ev1: Ev1, ) } trait ClassParams { class C( foo: Int, bar: String, )(implicit ev0: Ev0, ev1: Ev1, ) // test class params in the precense of varargs case class D(i: Int*, ) } trait SimpleExpr1 { def f: (Int, String) = ( 23, "bar", ) // the Tuple1 value case, the trailing comma is ignored so the type is Int and the value 23 def g: Int = ( 23, ) } trait TypeArgs { class C[A, B] def f: C[ Int, String, ] } trait TypeParamClause { class C[ A, B, ] } trait FunTypeParamClause { def f[ A, B, ] } trait SimpleType { def f: ( Int, String, ) // the Tuple1 type case, the trailing comma is ignored so the type is Int and the value 23 def g: ( Int, ) = 23 } trait FunctionArgTypes { def f: ( Int, String, ) => Boolean } trait SimplePattern { val ( foo, bar, ) = null: Any // test '@' syntax in patterns Some(1) match { case Some(x @ 1, ) => x } // test ': _*' syntax in patterns List(1, 2, 3) match { case List(1, 2, _ @ _*, ) => 1 } } trait ImportSelectors { import foo.{ Ev0, Ev1, } } trait Bindings { def g(f: (Int, String) => Boolean) g(( foo, bar, ) => true) } // Import, ids, ValDcl, VarDcl, VarDef, PatDef use commas, but not inside paren, bracket or brace, // so they don't support an optional trailing comma // test utilities object `package` { sealed trait Ev0; implicit object Ev0 extends Ev0 sealed trait Ev1; implicit object Ev1 extends Ev1 }