import annotation.unchecked.{ uncheckedVariance=> uV } import scala.collection.immutable.{ListMap, ListSet} import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, HashSet} object Test { class HashMapCollision1[A, +B](var hash: Int, var kvs: ListMap[A, B @uV]) extends HashMap[A, B @uV] class HashSetCollision1[A](var hash: Int, var ks: ListSet[A]) extends HashSet[A] def splitArray[T](ad: Array[Iterable[T]]): Any = ad(0) match { case _: HashMapCollision1[_, _] | _: HashSetCollision1[_] => null } // without type ascription for the one in the body of the last flatmap of each alternative, type inference borks on the existentials // def splitArray[T >: Nothing <: Any](ad: Array[Iterable[T]]): Any = { import OptionMatching._ // runOrElse(ad.apply(0))(((x1: Iterable[T]) => ( // or(((x4: Iterable[T]) => one(null)), // guard(x1.isInstanceOf[Iterable[T] with Test.HashMapCollision1[_,_]], x1.asInstanceOf[Iterable[T] with Test.HashMapCollision1[_,_]]).flatMap(((x2: Iterable[T] with Test.HashMapCollision1[_,_]) => one(x2))), // guard(x1.isInstanceOf[Test.HashSetCollision1[_]], x1.asInstanceOf[Iterable[T] with Test.HashSetCollision1[_]]).flatMap(((x3: Iterable[T] with Test.HashSetCollision1[_]) => one(x3)))): Option[Any]).orElse( // (zero: Option[Any]))) // ) // } }