import{Actor, PoisonPill} import Actor._ import akka.routing.{Routing, CyclicIterator} import Routing._ import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch object Pi extends App { calculate/*#*/(nrOfWorkers = 4, nrOfElements = 10000, nrOfMessages = 10000) // ==================== // ===== Messages ===== // ==================== sealed trait PiMessage case object Calculate extends PiMessage/*#*/ case class Work(start: Int, nrOfElements: Int) extends PiMessage case class Result(value: Double) extends PiMessage // ================== // ===== Worker ===== // ================== class Worker extends Actor/*#*/ { // define the work def calculatePiFor(start: Int, nrOfElements: Int): Double = { var acc = 0.0 for (i <- start until (start + nrOfElements)) acc += 4.0 * (1 - (i % 2) * 2) / (2 * i + 1) acc } def receive /*?*/ = { case Work(start, nrOfElements) => self reply/*#*/ Result(calculatePiFor(start, nrOfElements)) // perform the work // TODO: this currently returns wrong position for the symbol } } // ================== // ===== Master ===== // ================== class Master( nrOfWorkers: Int, nrOfMessages: Int, nrOfElements: Int, latch: CountDownLatch) extends Actor { var pi: Double = _ var nrOfResults: Int = _ var start: Long = _ // create the workers val workers = Vector.fill(nrOfWorkers)(actorOf[Worker]./*!*/start()) // wrap them with a load-balancing router val router = Routing./*!*/loadBalancerActor(CyclicIterator(workers))./*!*/start() // message handler def receive = { case Calculate => // schedule work //for (start <- 0 until nrOfMessages) router ! Work(start, nrOfElements) for (i <- 0 until nrOfMessages) router ! Work(i * nrOfElements, nrOfElements) // send a PoisonPill to all workers telling them to shut down themselves router./*!*/!(Broadcast(PoisonPill)) // send a PoisonPill to the router, telling him to shut himself down router ! PoisonPill case Result(value) => // handle result from the worker pi += value nrOfResults/*#*/ += 1 if (nrOfResults == nrOfMessages) self./*!*/stop() } override def preStart() { start = System.currentTimeMillis } override def postStop() { // tell the world that the calculation is complete println( "\n\tPi estimate: \t\t%s\n\tCalculation time: \t%s millis" .format(pi, (System.currentTimeMillis - start))) latch/*#*/.countDown() } } // ================== // ===== Run it ===== // ================== def calculate(nrOfWorkers: Int, nrOfElements: Int, nrOfMessages: Int) { // this latch is only plumbing to know when the calculation is completed val latch = new CountDownLatch(1) // create the master val master = actorOf( new Master(nrOfWorkers, nrOfMessages, nrOfElements, latch)).start() // start the calculation master ! Calculate // wait for master to shut down latch.await() } }