import import /** Example interactive test that does everything by hand. It would be much simpler * to just add the markers in the test file. This test shows how to drive * the presentation compiler manually. */ object Test extends InteractiveTest { def askForPos(pos: Position) { import compiler._ val response = new Response[Tree] println("asking position at %d:%d".format(pos.line, pos.column)) compiler.askTypeAt(pos, response) response.get match { case Left(EmptyTree) => println("error retrieving tree at %d:%d".format(pos.line, pos.column)) case Left(t) => println("retrieved tree: " + t) } println(this.reporter.infos.mkString("\n")) } override def runTest { import compiler._ val src = sourceFiles(0) // only one under src/ val pos = rangePos(src, 426, 426, 433) val pos1 = src.position(19, 15) // reload is issued already by the framework, but we can redo it here as an example val reload = new Response[Unit] compiler.askReload(List(src), reload) reload.get // it's important to let reload finish before asking other things. askForPos(pos) println("=" * 20) askForPos(pos1) compiler.askShutdown() } }