import import scala.reflect.internal.util.SourceFile import object Test extends InteractiveTest { override def execute(): Unit = { val sf = sourceFiles.find( == "A.scala").head noNewSymbols(sf) uniqueParseTree(sf) unattributedParseTree(sf) neverModifyParseTree(sf) shouldAlwaysReturnParseTree(sf) } /** * Asking for a parseTree should not enter any new symbols. */ private def noNewSymbols(sf: SourceFile) { def nextId() = compiler.NoSymbol.newTermSymbol(compiler.TermName("dummy"), compiler.NoPosition, compiler.NoFlags).id val id = nextId() val tree = compiler.parseTree(sf) val id2 = nextId() if (id2 == id + 1) { reporter.println("NoNewSymbolsEntered OK") } else { reporter.println("NoNewSymbolsEntered FAILED") } } /** * Asking twice for a parseTree on the same source should always return a new tree */ private def uniqueParseTree(sf: SourceFile) { val parseTree1 = compiler.parseTree(sf) val parseTree2 = compiler.parseTree(sf) if (parseTree1 != parseTree2) { reporter.println("Unique OK") } else { reporter.println("Unique FAILED") } } /** * A parseTree should never contain any symbols or types */ private def unattributedParseTree(sf: SourceFile) { if (noSymbolsOrTypes(compiler.parseTree(sf))) { reporter.println("Unattributed OK") } else { reporter.println("Unattributed FAILED") } } /** * Once you have obtained a parseTree it should never change */ private def neverModifyParseTree(sf: SourceFile) { val parsedTree = compiler.parseTree(sf) loadSourceAndWaitUntilTypechecked(sf) if (noSymbolsOrTypes(parsedTree)) { reporter.println("NeverModify OK") } else { reporter.println("NeverModify FAILED") } } /** * Should always return a parse tree */ private def shouldAlwaysReturnParseTree(sf: SourceFile) { loadSourceAndWaitUntilTypechecked(sf) if (noSymbolsOrTypes(compiler.parseTree(sf))) { reporter.println("AlwaysParseTree OK") } else { reporter.println("AlwaysParseTree FAILED") } } /** * Load a source and block while it is type-checking. */ private def loadSourceAndWaitUntilTypechecked(sf: SourceFile): Unit = { compiler.askToDoFirst(sf) val res = new Response[Unit] compiler.askReload(List(sf), res) res.get askLoadedTyped(sf).get } /** * Traverses a tree and makes sure that there are no types or symbols present in the tree with * the exception of the symbol for the package 'scala'. This is because that symbol will be * present in some of the nodes that the compiler generates. */ private def noSymbolsOrTypes(tree: compiler.Tree): Boolean = { tree.forAll { t => (t.symbol == null || t.symbol == compiler.NoSymbol || t.symbol == compiler.definitions.ScalaPackage // ignore the symbol for the scala package for now ) && ( t.tpe == null || t.tpe == compiler.NoType) } } }