import import scala.reflect.internal.util.SourceFile import object Test extends InteractiveTest { override def execute(): Unit = { val source = loadSourceAndWaitUntilTypechecked("State.scala") checkErrors(source) } private def loadSourceAndWaitUntilTypechecked(sourceName: String): SourceFile = { val sourceFile = sourceFiles.find( == sourceName).head compiler.askToDoFirst(sourceFile) val res = new Response[Unit] compiler.askReload(List(sourceFile), res) res.get askLoadedTyped(sourceFile).get // the second round of type-checking makes it fail compiler.askReload(List(sourceFile), res) res.get askLoadedTyped(sourceFile).get sourceFile } private def checkErrors(source: SourceFile): Unit = compiler.getUnitOf(source) match { case Some(unit) => val problems = unit.problems.toList if(problems.isEmpty) reporter.println("Test OK") else problems.foreach(problem => reporter.println(problem.msg)) case None => reporter.println("No compilation unit found for " + } }