//############################################################################ // Programmation IV - 2002 - Week 10 //############################################################################ // $Id$ import java.lang.System; // to avoid name clash with .NET's library object M0 { def addStream (s1: Stream[int], s2: Stream[int]): Stream[int] = Stream.cons(s1.head + s2.head, addStream(s1.tail, s2.tail)); val fib: Stream[int] = Stream.cons(0, Stream.cons(1, addStream(this.fib, this.fib.tail))); def test = { var i = 0; fib.take(20).foreach(n => {System.out.println("fib("+i+") = "+n); i=i+1}); System.out.println(); } } //############################################################################ object M1 { def scale(x: double, s: Stream[double]): Stream[double] = s map { e: double => e*x } def partialSums(s: Stream[double]): Stream[double] = Stream.cons(s.head, partialSums(s.tail) map (x => x + s.head)); def euler(s: Stream[double]): Stream[double] = { val nm1 = s at 0; val n = s at 1; val np1 = s at 2; Stream.cons(np1 - ((np1 - n)*(np1 - n) / (nm1 - 2*n + np1)),euler(s.tail)) }; def better(s: Stream[double], transform: Stream[double] => Stream[double]) : Stream[Stream[double]] = Stream.cons(s, better(transform(s), transform)); def veryGood(s: Stream[double], transform: Stream[double] => Stream[double]) : Stream[double] = better(s, transform) map (x => x.head); def lnSummands(n: double): Stream[double] = Stream.cons(1.0 / n, lnSummands(n + 1.0) map { x: double => -x }) var ln0 = partialSums(lnSummands(1.0)); var ln1 = euler(ln0); var ln2 = veryGood(ln0, euler); def piSummands(n: double): Stream[double] = Stream.cons(1.0 / n, piSummands(n + 2.0) map { x: double => -x }) var pi0 = scale(4.0, partialSums(piSummands(1.0))); var pi1 = euler(pi0); var pi2 = veryGood(pi0, euler); def pad(s: String, n: int): String = if (n <= 0) s.substring(0, s.length() + n) else pad(s + " ", n - 1); def str(d: double) = { val s = d.toString(); pad(s, 18 - s.length()) }; def test = { var i = 0; while (i < 10) { System.out.print("pi("+i+") = "); System.out.print(str(pi0.at(i)) + ", "); System.out.print(str(pi1.at(i)) + ", "); System.out.print(str(pi2.at(i)) + "\n"); i = i + 1; } System.out.print("pi = "); System.out.print(str(Math.PI) + ", "); System.out.print(str(Math.PI) + ", "); System.out.print(str(Math.PI) + "\n"); System.out.println(); i = 0; while (i < 10) { System.out.print("ln("+i+") = "); System.out.print(str(ln0.at(i)) + ", "); System.out.print(str(ln1.at(i)) + ", "); System.out.print(str(ln2.at(i)) + "\n"); i = i + 1; } System.out.print("ln = "); System.out.print(str(Math.log(2)) + ", "); System.out.print(str(Math.log(2)) + ", "); System.out.print(str(Math.log(2)) + "\n"); System.out.println(); } } //############################################################################ object M2 { class IntIterator(start: int) extends Iterator[int] { var current: int = start; def hasNext = true; def next = { current = current + 1; current - 1 }; } class PrimeIterator() extends Iterator[int] { var current: Iterator[int] = new IntIterator(2); def hasNext = true; def next = { val p = current.next; current = current filter { x => !((x % p) == 0) }; p } } def test = { val i = (new PrimeIterator()).take(30); System.out.print("prime numbers:"); while (i.hasNext) { System.out.print(" " + i.next); } System.out.println(); } } //############################################################################ object Test { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { M0.test; M1.test; M2.test; () } } //############################################################################