import util.matching._ object Test { def main(args: Array[String]) { replacementMatching groupsMatching } def replacementMatching { val regex = """\$\{(.+?)\}""".r val replaced = regex.replaceAllMatchesIn("Replacing: ${main}. And another method: ${foo}.", (m: util.matching.Regex.Match) => { val identifier = identifier }) assert(replaced == "Replacing: main. And another method: foo.") val regex2 = """\$\{(.+?)\}""".r val replaced2 = regex2.replaceAllIn("Replacing: ${main}. And then one more: ${bar}.", (s: String) => { "$1" }) assert(replaced2 == "Replacing: main. And then one more: bar.") } def groupsMatching { val Date = """(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)""".r for (Regex.Groups(a, b, c) <- Date findFirstMatchIn "1/1/2001 marks the start of the millenium. 31/12/2000 doesn't.") { assert(a == "1") assert(b == "1") assert(c == "2001") } for (Regex.Groups(a, b, c) <- (Date findAllIn "1/1/2001 marks the start of the millenium. 31/12/2000 doesn't.").matchData) { assert(a == "1" || a == "31") assert(b == "1" || b == "12") assert(c == "2001" || c == "2000") } } }