error: newSource1.scala:13: Symbol 'type stuberrors.A' is missing from the classpath. This symbol is required by 'class stuberrors.D'. Make sure that type A is in your classpath and check for conflicting dependencies with `-Ylog-classpath`. A full rebuild may help if 'D.class' was compiled against an incompatible version of stuberrors.[D] ^ error: newSource1.scala:13: type arguments [stuberrors.D] do not conform to method foo's type parameter bounds [T <: stuberrors.A][D] ^ error: newSource1.scala:13: Symbol 'type stuberrors.A' is missing from the classpath. This symbol is required by 'type stuberrors.B.T'. Make sure that type A is in your classpath and check for conflicting dependencies with `-Ylog-classpath`. A full rebuild may help if 'B.class' was compiled against an incompatible version of stuberrors.[D] ^