import // see the commit message to understand what this stuff is about // just a quick note: // transformedType returns an erased version of the type // as explained in the commit message, Type.erasure won't do for this test // because it does some postprocessing to the result of transformedType object Test extends ReplTest { def code = """ :power val s = transformedType(StringClass.toType).asInstanceOf[Type] { println(exitingPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase)(ConstantType(Constant(s)))) } { exitingPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase)(println(ConstantType(Constant(s)))) } { ConstantType(Constant(s)); println(exitingPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase)(ConstantType(Constant(s)))); } { ConstantType(Constant(s)); exitingPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase)(println(ConstantType(Constant(s)))); } """ }