ConcreteTypeTag[Bar.type], t=AbstractTypeRef, s= <: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0[Bar] with Serializable{case def unapply(x$0: Bar): Boolean} with Singleton ConcreteTypeTag[Bar], t=AbstractTypeRef, s= <: Test.ToS with Product with Serializable{def copy(): Bar} ConcreteTypeTag[Test.ToS], t=RefinedType, s=f3 ConcreteTypeTag[Test.ToS], t=RefinedType, s=f4 ConcreteTypeTag[Test.ToS], t=RefinedType, s=f5 ConcreteTypeTag[() => Test.ToS], t=TypeRef, s=class Function0 ConcreteTypeTag[() => Test.ToS], t=TypeRef, s=class Function0 ConcreteTypeTag[$anon], t=AbstractTypeRef, s= <: B with Test.ToS ConcreteTypeTag[$anon], t=AbstractTypeRef, s= <: B with A with Test.ToS TypeTag[List[Object{type T1}#T1]], t=TypeRef, s=class List ConcreteTypeTag[List[Seq[Int]]], t=TypeRef, s=class List ConcreteTypeTag[List[Seq[U forSome { type U <: Int }]]], t=TypeRef, s=class List ConcreteTypeTag[Bar.type], t=AbstractTypeRef, s= <: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0[Bar] with Serializable{case def unapply(x$0: Bar): Boolean} with Singleton ConcreteTypeTag[Bar], t=AbstractTypeRef, s= <: Test.ToS with Product with Serializable{def copy(): Bar} ConcreteTypeTag[Test.ToS], t=RefinedType, s=g3 ConcreteTypeTag[Test.ToS], t=RefinedType, s=g4 ConcreteTypeTag[Test.ToS], t=RefinedType, s=g5 ConcreteTypeTag[() => Test.ToS], t=TypeRef, s=class Function0 ConcreteTypeTag[() => Test.ToS], t=TypeRef, s=class Function0 ConcreteTypeTag[$anon], t=AbstractTypeRef, s= <: B with Test.ToS ConcreteTypeTag[$anon], t=AbstractTypeRef, s= <: B with A with Test.ToS TypeTag[List[Object{type T1}#T1]], t=TypeRef, s=class List ConcreteTypeTag[List[Seq[Int]]], t=TypeRef, s=class List ConcreteTypeTag[List[Seq[U forSome { type U <: Int }]]], t=TypeRef, s=class List