import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ class ImaginaryCanBuildFrom[-From, -Elem, +To] class CompletelyIndependentList[+A] { type Repr <: CompletelyIndependentList[A] def map[B, That](f: A => B)(implicit cbf: ImaginaryCanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That = ??? def distinct(): CompletelyIndependentList[A] = ??? } object Test { var failed = false def expectFailure[T](body: => T): Boolean = { try { val res = body ; failed = true ; println(res + " failed to fail.") ; false } catch { case _: AssertionError => true } } /** Attempt to use a method type as a type argument - expect failure. */ def tcon[T: TypeTag](args: Type*) = appliedType(typeOf[T].typeConstructor, args.toList) def cil = typeOf[CompletelyIndependentList[Int]] def map = cil.member("map": TermName).asMethod def distinct = cil.member("distinct": TermName).asMethod def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // Need the assert in there to fail. // expectFailure(println(tcon[CompletelyIndependentList[Int]](map))) // expectFailure(tcon[CompletelyIndependentList[Int]](distinct)) // Why is the first map signature printing showing an // uninitialized symbol? // // [B <: , That <: ](f: )(implicit cbf: )That // println(map.typeSignature) println(map.typeSignatureIn(cil)) println(distinct.typeSignature) if (failed) sys.exit(1) } }