import{FileOutputStream, FileInputStream} import{ClassWriter, Opcodes, ClassReader} import{InsnNode, ClassNode} import import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ /** * Test that the ICodeReader does not crash if the bytecode of a method has unreachable code. */ object Test extends DirectTest { def code: String = ??? def show(): Unit = { // The bytecode of f will be modified using ASM by `addDeadCode` val aCode = """ |package p |class A { | @inline final def f = 1 |} """.stripMargin val bCode = """ |package p |class B { | def g = (new A()).f |} """.stripMargin compileString(newCompiler("-usejavacp"))(aCode) addDeadCode() // If inlining fails, the compiler will issue an inliner warning that is not present in the // check file compileString(newCompiler("-usejavacp", "-optimise", "-Ybackend:GenASM"))(bCode) } def readClass(file: String) = { val cnode = new ClassNode() val is = new FileInputStream(file) val reader = new ClassReader(is) reader.accept(cnode, 0) is.close() cnode } def writeClass(file: String, cnode: ClassNode): Unit = { val writer = new ClassWriter(0) cnode.accept(writer) val os = new FileOutputStream(file) os.write(writer.toByteArray) os.close() } def addDeadCode() { val file = (testOutput / "p" / "A.class").path val cnode = readClass(file) val method = cnode.methods.asScala.find( == "f").head AsmUtils.traceMethod(method) val insns = method.instructions val it = insns.iterator() while (it.hasNext) { val in = if (in.getOpcode == Opcodes.IRETURN) { // Insert an ATHROW before the IRETURN. The IRETURN will then be dead code. // The ICodeReader should not crash if there's dead code. insns.insert(in.getPrevious, new InsnNode(Opcodes.ATHROW)) } } AsmUtils.traceMethod(method) writeClass(file, cnode) } }