//############################################################################ // Test Java interaction with scala inner classes //############################################################################ // $Id: $ import java.io._; class A { val abc = "A.abc"; protected class B(x: Int, y: String) { Console.println(abc); Console.println(x); Console.println(y); } trait Itf { def method1(x: Int): Int; trait Itf2 extends Itf { def method2: Unit; } } trait PlainTrait { def method1(x: Int): Int; } class Impl(a: Int) extends Itf { def method1(x: Int) = { Console.println(x); Console.println(a); x + a } } class Impl2 extends Impl(1) with Itf#Itf2 { def method2 = { Console.println(abc); } } def newImpl: Itf = new Impl(1); def newImpl2: Itf#Itf2 = new Impl2; class Outer1(arg1: Int) { class Outer2(arg2: Int) { class Outer3(arg3: Int) { Console.println("Outer3: " + arg1 + " " + arg2 + " " + arg3); } } } } object Scalatest { val outputdir = System.getProperty("scalatest.output", "inner-jvm.obj") val scalalib = System.getProperty("scalatest.lib", "") val classpath = outputdir + File.pathSeparator + scalalib def javac(src: String) = { val tmpfilename = "tmpJavaInterraction.java"; val tmpfile = new FileWriter(tmpfilename) tmpfile.write(src) tmpfile.close exec("javac -d " + outputdir + " -classpath " + classpath + " " + tmpfilename) } /** Execute cmd, wait for the process to end and pipe it's output to stdout */ def exec(cmd: String) = { val proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); val inp = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream)) val errp = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getErrorStream)) proc.waitFor() while (inp.ready) Console.println(inp.readLine()) while (errp.ready) Console.println(errp.readLine()) } } object Test { val program = """ public class tmpJavaInterraction { public static void main(String[] args) { A a = new A(); A.B b = a.new B(1, "Hello"); A.Itf itf = a.newImpl(); itf.method1(1); A.Itf.Itf2 itf2 = a.newImpl2(); itf2.method2(); A.Outer1 o1 = a.new Outer1(1); A.Outer1.Outer2 o2 = o1.new Outer2(2); A.Outer1.Outer2.Outer3 or = o2.new Outer3(3); } } """ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { Scalatest.javac(program) Scalatest.exec("java -cp " + Scalatest.classpath + " tmpJavaInterraction"); } } //############################################################################