import scala.util.parsing.json._ import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap object Test extends Application { /* This method converts parsed JSON back into real JSON notation with objects in * sorted-key order. Not required by the spec, but it allows us to to a stable * toString comparison. */ def jsonToString(in : Any) : String = in match { case l : List[_] => "[" +", ") + "]" case m : Map[String,_] => "{" + m.elements.toList .sort({ (x,y) => x._1 < y._1 }) .map({ case (k,v) => "\"" + k + "\": " + jsonToString(v) }) .mkString(", ") + "}" case s : String => "\"" + s + "\"" case x => x.toString } def sortJSON(in : Any) : Any = in match { case l : List[_] => case m : Map[String,_] => TreeMap(m.mapElements(sortJSON).elements.toSeq : _*) case x => x } // For this one, just parsing should be considered a pass def printJSON(given : String) { JSON parseFull given match { case None => println("Parse failed for \"%s\"".format(given)) case Some(parsed) => println("Passed: " + sortJSON(parsed)) } } def printJSON(given : String, expected : Any) { JSON parseFull given match { case None => println("Parse failed for \"%s\"".format(given)) case Some(parsed) => if (parsed == expected) { println("Passed: " + parsed) } else { val eStr = sortJSON(expected).toString val pStr = sortJSON(parsed).toString // Figure out where the Strings differ and generate a marker val mismatchPosition ={case (a,b) => a != b}) match { case -1 => Math.min(eStr.length, pStr.length) case x => x } val reason = (" " * mismatchPosition) + "^" println("Expected, got:\n %s\n %s (from \"%s\")\n %s".format(eStr, pStr, given, reason)) } } } // The library should differentiate between lower case "l" and number "1" (ticket #136) printJSON("{\"name\": \"value\"}", Map("name" -> "value")) printJSON("{\"name\": \"va1ue\"}", Map("name" -> "va1ue")) printJSON("{\"name\": { \"name1\": \"va1ue1\", \"name2\": \"va1ue2\" } }", Map("name" -> Map("name1" -> "va1ue1", "name2" -> "va1ue2"))) // Unicode escapes should be handled properly printJSON("{\"name\": \"\\u0022\"}") // The library should return a map for JSON objects (ticket #873) printJSON("""{"function":"add_symbol"}""", Map("function" -> "add_symbol")) // The library should recurse into arrays to find objects (ticket #2207) printJSON("""[{"a": "team"},{"b": 52}]""", List(Map("a" -> "team"), Map("b" -> 52.0))) // The library should differentiate between empty maps and lists (ticket #3284) printJSON("{}", Map()) printJSON("[]", List()) // Lists should be returned in the same order as specified printJSON("[4,1,3,2,6,5,8,7]", List[Double](4,1,3,2,6,5,8,7)) // Additional tests printJSON("{\"age\": 0}") println // from val sample1 = """ { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "address": { "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postalCode": 10021 }, "phoneNumbers": [ "212 732-1234", "646 123-4567" ] }""" // Should be equivalent to: val sample1Obj = Map( "firstName" -> "John", "lastName" -> "Smith", "address" -> Map( "streetAddress" -> "21 2nd Street", "city" -> "New York", "state" -> "NY", "postalCode" -> 10021 ), "phoneNumbers"-> List( "212 732-1234", "646 123-4567" ) ) printJSON(sample1, sample1Obj) println // from val sample2 = """ { "fullname": "Sean Kelly", "org": "SK Consulting", "emailaddrs": [ {"type": "work", "value": ""}, {"type": "home", "pref": 1, "value": ""} ], "telephones": [ {"type": "work", "pref": 1, "value": "+1 214 555 1212"}, {"type": "fax", "value": "+1 214 555 1213"}, {"type": "mobile", "value": "+1 214 555 1214"} ], "addresses": [ {"type": "work", "format": "us", "value": "1234 Main StnSpringfield, TX 78080-1216"}, {"type": "home", "format": "us", "value": "5678 Main StnSpringfield, TX 78080-1316"} ], "urls": [ {"type": "work", "value": ""}, {"type": "home", "value": ""} ] }""" //println(sample2) printJSON(sample2) println // from val sample3 = """ {"web-app": { "servlet": [ { "servlet-name": "cofaxCDS", "servlet-class": "org.cofax.cds.CDSServlet", "init-param": { "configGlossary:installationAt": "Philadelphia, PA", "configGlossary:adminEmail": "", "configGlossary:poweredBy": "Cofax", "configGlossary:poweredByIcon": "/images/cofax.gif", "configGlossary:staticPath": "/content/static", "templateProcessorClass": "org.cofax.WysiwygTemplate", "templateLoaderClass": "org.cofax.FilesTemplateLoader", "templatePath": "templates", "templateOverridePath": "", "defaultListTemplate": "listTemplate.htm", "defaultFileTemplate": "articleTemplate.htm", "useJSP": false, "jspListTemplate": "listTemplate.jsp", "jspFileTemplate": "articleTemplate.jsp", "cachePackageTagsTrack": 200, "cachePackageTagsStore": 200, "cachePackageTagsRefresh": 60, "cacheTemplatesTrack": 100, "cacheTemplatesStore": 50, "cacheTemplatesRefresh": 15, "cachePagesTrack": 200, "cachePagesStore": 100, "cachePagesRefresh": 10, "cachePagesDirtyRead": 10, "searchEngineListTemplate": "forSearchEnginesList.htm", "searchEngineFileTemplate": "forSearchEngines.htm", "searchEngineRobotsDb": "WEB-INF/robots.db", "useDataStore": true, "dataStoreClass": "org.cofax.SqlDataStore", "redirectionClass": "org.cofax.SqlRedirection", "dataStoreName": "cofax", "dataStoreDriver": "", "dataStoreUrl": "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://LOCALHOST:1433;DatabaseName=goon", "dataStoreUser": "sa", "dataStorePassword": "dataStoreTestQuery", "dataStoreTestQuery": "SET NOCOUNT ON;select test='test';", "dataStoreLogFile": "/usr/local/tomcat/logs/datastore.log", "dataStoreInitConns": 10, "dataStoreMaxConns": 100, "dataStoreConnUsageLimit": 100, "dataStoreLogLevel": "debug", "maxUrlLength": 500}}, { "servlet-name": "cofaxEmail", "servlet-class": "org.cofax.cds.EmailServlet", "init-param": { "mailHost": "mail1", "mailHostOverride": "mail2"}}, { "servlet-name": "cofaxAdmin", "servlet-class": "org.cofax.cds.AdminServlet"}, { "servlet-name": "fileServlet", "servlet-class": "org.cofax.cds.FileServlet"}, { "servlet-name": "cofaxTools", "servlet-class": "org.cofax.cms.CofaxToolsServlet", "init-param": { "templatePath": "toolstemplates/", "log": 1, "logLocation": "/usr/local/tomcat/logs/CofaxTools.log", "logMaxSize": "", "dataLog": 1, "dataLogLocation": "/usr/local/tomcat/logs/dataLog.log", "dataLogMaxSize": "", "removePageCache": "/content/admin/remove?cache=pages&id=", "removeTemplateCache": "/content/admin/remove?cache=templates&id=", "fileTransferFolder": "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/content/fileTransferFolder", "lookInContext": 1, "adminGroupID": 4, "betaServer": true}}], "servlet-mapping": { "cofaxCDS": "/", "cofaxEmail": "/cofaxutil/aemail/*", "cofaxAdmin": "/admin/*", "fileServlet": "/static/*", "cofaxTools": "/tools/*"}, "taglib": { "taglib-uri": "cofax.tld", "taglib-location": "/WEB-INF/tlds/cofax.tld"} } }""" //println(sample3) printJSON(sample3) println }