import scala.reflect.macros.Context object Macros { def impl(c: Context) = { import c.universe._ val inscope = c.inferImplicitValue(c.mirror.staticClass("SourceLocation").toType) val outer = c.Expr[SourceLocation](if (!inscope.isEmpty) inscope else Literal(Constant(null))) val Apply(fun, args) = c.enclosingImplicits(0).tree val fileName = fun.pos.source.file.file.getName val line = fun.pos.line val charOffset = fun.pos.point def literal[T](x: T) = c.Expr[T](Literal(Constant(x))) c.universe.reify { SourceLocation1(outer.splice, literal(fileName).splice, literal(line).splice, literal(charOffset).splice) } } implicit def sourceLocation: SourceLocation1 = macro impl } trait SourceLocation { /** Source location of the outermost call */ val outer: SourceLocation /** The name of the source file */ val fileName: String /** The line number */ val line: Int /** The character offset */ val charOffset: Int } case class SourceLocation1(val outer: SourceLocation, val fileName: String, val line: Int, val charOffset: Int) extends SourceLocation