enterSym(package { case class C extends scala.Product with scala.Serializable { val x: Int = _; val y: Int = _; def (x: Int, y: Int) = { super.(); () } } }) enterSym(case class C extends scala.Product with scala.Serializable { val x: Int = _; val y: Int = _; def (x: Int, y: Int) = { super.(); () } }) ensureCompanionObject(case class C extends scala.Product with scala.Serializable { val x: Int = _; val y: Int = _; def (x: Int, y: Int) = { super.(); () } }, ...) enterSym( object C extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2[Int, Int, C] { def () = { super.(); () }; final override def toString() = "C" }) enterStat(case class C extends scala.Product with scala.Serializable { val x: Int = _; val y: Int = _; def (x: Int, y: Int) = { super.(); () } }) enterSym( val x: Int = _) enterSym( val y: Int = _) enterSym(def (x: Int, y: Int) = { super.(); () }) enterSym( def copy(x = x, y = y) = new C(x, y)) enterStat( private[this] val x: Int = _) enterStat( private[this] val y: Int = _) enterStat(def (x: Int, y: Int) = { super.(); () }) enterSym( private[this] val x: Int = _) enterSym( private[this] val y: Int = _) enterSym(def (x: Int, y: Int) = { super.(); () }) enterSym(super.()) enterStat(super.()) enterSym( def copy$default$1 = x) enterSym( def copy$default$2 = y) enterSym( var acc: Int = -889275714) enterSym(acc = scala.runtime.Statics.mix(acc, x)) enterSym(acc = scala.runtime.Statics.mix(acc, y)) enterStat( var acc: Int = -889275714) enterStat(acc = scala.runtime.Statics.mix(acc, x)) enterStat(acc = scala.runtime.Statics.mix(acc, y)) enterSym( val C$1: C = x$1.asInstanceOf[C]) enterStat( val C$1: C = x$1.asInstanceOf[C]) enterSym(def () = { super.(); () }) enterSym(final override def toString() = "C") enterSym(case def apply(x: Int, y: Int): C = new C(x, y)) enterSym(case def unapply(x$0: C): _root_.scala.Option[scala.Tuple2[Int, Int]] = if (x$0.==(null)) scala.None else Some(scala.Tuple2(x$0.x, x$0.y))) enterStat(def () = { super.(); () }) enterStat(final override def toString() = "C") enterSym(def () = { super.(); () }) enterSym(final override def toString() = "C") enterSym(super.()) enterStat(super.()) enterSym(case val x1: Int = x$1) enterStat(case val x1: Int = x$1) enterSym(case val x1: Any = x$1) enterSym(case5(){ if (x1.isInstanceOf[C]) matchEnd4(true) else case6() }) enterSym(case6(){ matchEnd4(false) }) enterStat(case val x1: Any = x$1) enterStat(case5(){ if (x1.isInstanceOf[C]) matchEnd4(true) else case6() }) enterStat(case6(){ matchEnd4(false) })