// $Id$ // Test 1: "super" coming from mixins import Console._; object Test1 { class A { def f = "A::f"; } class B extends A { override def f = "B::f"; } trait M1 extends A { override def f = "M1::" + super.f; } class C extends B with M1 { override def f = super[M1].f; } def test(): Unit = { val c = new C; Console.println(c.f); } } // Test 2: qualified "super" inside of the host class object Test2 { class M1 { def f = "M1::f"; } trait M2 { def f = "M2::f"; } trait M3 { def f = "M3::f"; } class Host extends M1 with M2 with M3 { override def f = super[M1].f + " " + super[M2].f + " " + super[M3].f } def test(): Unit = { val h = new Host; Console.println(h.f) } } // Test 3: mixin evaluation order (bug 120) object Test3 { class A(x: Unit, y: Unit) { Console.println("A"); } trait B { println("B"); } class C extends A({ println("one"); }, { println("two"); }) with B { println("C"); } def test() = { val c = new C(); } } // Main testing function object Test { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { Test1.test(); Test2.test(); Test3.test(); } }