/** Test that call-by-name parameters are set to null if * they are used only to initialize a lazy value, after the * value has been initialized. */ class Foo(param1: => Object, param2: => String) { lazy val field1 = param1 lazy val field2 = try param2 finally println("") } object Test extends App { val foo = new Foo(new Object, "abc") foo.field1 foo.field2 for (f <- foo.getClass.getDeclaredFields) { f.setAccessible(true) if (f.getName.startsWith("param")) { println("%s: %s".format(f.getName, f.get(foo))) } } // test that try-finally does not generated a liftedTry // helper. This would already fail the first part of the test, // but this check will help diganose it (if the single access to a // private field does not happen directly in the lazy val, it won't // be nulled). for (f <- foo.getClass.getDeclaredMethods) { f.setAccessible(true) if (f.getName.startsWith("lifted")) { println("not expected: %s".format(f)) } } }