trait Treez requires Shmeez { abstract class Tree case class Beez(i:Int) extends Tree case object HagbardCeline extends Tree } trait Shmeez extends AnyRef with Treez { val tree: Tree def foo = tree match { case Beez(2) => 1 case HagbardCeline => 0 } } object Test { import scala.testing.SUnit._ def main(args:Array[String]): Unit = { val tr = new TestResult new TestSuite( new Test717 ).run(tr) for(val f <- tr.failures()) Console println f } class Foo(j:Int) { case class Bar(i:Int) } class Test717 extends TestCase("#717 test path of case classes") { val foo1 = new Foo(1) val foo2 = new Foo(2) override def runTest() = { val res = (foo1.Bar(2):Any) match { case foo2.Bar(2) => false case foo1.Bar(2) => true } assertTrue("ok", res); } } class Test806_818 { // #806, #811 compile only -- type of bind // bug811 trait Core { trait NodeImpl; trait OtherImpl extends NodeImpl; trait DoubleQuoteImpl extends NodeImpl; def asDQ(node : OtherImpl) = node match { case dq : DoubleQuoteImpl => dq; } } trait IfElseMatcher { type Node <: NodeImpl; trait NodeImpl; trait IfImpl; private def coerceIf(node : Node) = node match { case node : IfImpl => node; // var node is of type Node with IfImpl! case _ => null; } } } }