import trait A { type T <: A } trait B { type T <: B } object Test extends MemoryTest { lazy val tb = { import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror => cm} import cm.mkToolBox() } // I'm not sure this is a great way to test for memory leaks, // since we're also testing how good the JVM's GC is, and this is not easily reproduced between machines/over time override def maxDelta = 12 override def calcsPerIter = 8 override def calc() { var snippet = """ trait A { type T <: A } trait B { type T <: B } def foo[T](x: List[T]) = x foo(List(new A {}, new B {})) """.trim snippet = snippet + "\n" + (List.fill(50)(snippet.split("\n").last) mkString "\n") tb.typecheck(tb.parse(snippet)) } }