============ Byte it's important to print the list of Byte's members if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test constructor Byte: ()Byte method !=: (x$1: Any)Boolean method !=: (x: Byte)Boolean method !=: (x: Char)Boolean method !=: (x: Double)Boolean method !=: (x: Float)Boolean method !=: (x: Int)Boolean method !=: (x: Long)Boolean method !=: (x: Short)Boolean method ##: ()Int method %: (x: Byte)Int method %: (x: Char)Int method %: (x: Double)Double method %: (x: Float)Float method %: (x: Int)Int method %: (x: Long)Long method %: (x: Short)Int method &: (x: Byte)Int method &: (x: Char)Int method &: (x: Int)Int method &: (x: Long)Long method &: (x: Short)Int method *: (x: Byte)Int method *: (x: Char)Int method *: (x: Double)Double method *: (x: Float)Float method *: (x: Int)Int method *: (x: Long)Long method *: (x: Short)Int method +: (x: Byte)Int method +: (x: Char)Int method +: (x: Double)Double method +: (x: Float)Float method +: (x: Int)Int method +: (x: Long)Long method +: (x: Short)Int method +: (x: String)String method -: (x: Byte)Int method -: (x: Char)Int method -: (x: Double)Double method -: (x: Float)Float method -: (x: Int)Int method -: (x: Long)Long method -: (x: Short)Int method /: (x: Byte)Int method /: (x: Char)Int method /: (x: Double)Double method /: (x: Float)Float method /: (x: Int)Int method /: (x: Long)Long method /: (x: Short)Int method <: (x: Byte)Boolean method <: (x: Char)Boolean method <: (x: Double)Boolean method <: (x: Float)Boolean method <: (x: Int)Boolean method <: (x: Long)Boolean method <: (x: Short)Boolean method <<: (x: Int)Int method <<: (x: Long)Int method <=: (x: Byte)Boolean method <=: (x: Char)Boolean method <=: (x: Double)Boolean method <=: (x: Float)Boolean method <=: (x: Int)Boolean method <=: (x: Long)Boolean method <=: (x: Short)Boolean method ==: (x$1: Any)Boolean method ==: (x: Byte)Boolean method ==: (x: Char)Boolean method ==: (x: Double)Boolean method ==: (x: Float)Boolean method ==: (x: Int)Boolean method ==: (x: Long)Boolean method ==: (x: Short)Boolean method >: (x: Byte)Boolean method >: (x: Char)Boolean method >: (x: Double)Boolean method >: (x: Float)Boolean method >: (x: Int)Boolean method >: (x: Long)Boolean method >: (x: Short)Boolean method >=: (x: Byte)Boolean method >=: (x: Char)Boolean method >=: (x: Double)Boolean method >=: (x: Float)Boolean method >=: (x: Int)Boolean method >=: (x: Long)Boolean method >=: (x: Short)Boolean method >>: (x: Int)Int method >>: (x: Long)Int method >>>: (x: Int)Int method >>>: (x: Long)Int method ^: (x: Byte)Int method ^: (x: Char)Int method ^: (x: Int)Int method ^: (x: Long)Long method ^: (x: Short)Int method asInstanceOf: [T0]=> T0 method equals: (x$1: Any)Boolean method getClass: ()Class[Byte] method hashCode: ()Int method isInstanceOf: [T0]=> Boolean method toByte: => Byte method toChar: => Char method toDouble: => Double method toFloat: => Float method toInt: => Int method toLong: => Long method toShort: => Short method toString: ()java.lang.String method unary_+: => Int method unary_-: => Int method unary_~: => Int method |: (x: Byte)Int method |: (x: Char)Int method |: (x: Int)Int method |: (x: Long)Long method |: (x: Short)Int testing Byte.toByte() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Byte] =======> 2 testing Byte.toShort() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Short] =======> 2 testing Byte.toChar() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Character] =======>  testing Byte.toInt() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 2 testing Byte.toLong() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 2 testing Byte.toFloat() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 2.0 testing Byte.toDouble() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 2.0 testing Byte.==(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.==(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.==(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.==(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.==(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.==(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.==(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.!=(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.!=(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.!=(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.!=(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.!=(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.!=(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.!=(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.<(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.<(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.<(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.<(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.<(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.<(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.<(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.<=(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.<=(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.<=(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.<=(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.<=(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.<=(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.<=(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.>(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.>(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.>(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.>(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.>(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.>(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.>(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Byte.>=(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.>=(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.>=(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.>=(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.>=(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.>=(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.>=(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Byte.+(String) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.String): [class java.lang.String] =======> 22 testing Byte.+(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Byte.+(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Byte.+(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Byte.+(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Byte.+(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Byte.+(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Byte.+(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Byte.-(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Byte.-(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Byte.-(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Byte.-(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Byte.-(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Byte.-(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Byte.-(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Byte.*(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Byte.*(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Byte.*(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Byte.*(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Byte.*(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Byte.*(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Byte.*(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Byte./(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Byte./(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Byte./(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Byte./(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Byte./(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 1 testing Byte./(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 1.0 testing Byte./(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Byte.%(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Byte.%(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Byte.%(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Byte.%(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Byte.%(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Byte.%(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Byte.%(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 ============ Short it's important to print the list of Byte's members if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test constructor Short: ()Short method !=: (x$1: Any)Boolean method !=: (x: Byte)Boolean method !=: (x: Char)Boolean method !=: (x: Double)Boolean method !=: (x: Float)Boolean method !=: (x: Int)Boolean method !=: (x: Long)Boolean method !=: (x: Short)Boolean method ##: ()Int method %: (x: Byte)Int method %: (x: Char)Int method %: (x: Double)Double method %: (x: Float)Float method %: (x: Int)Int method %: (x: Long)Long method %: (x: Short)Int method &: (x: Byte)Int method &: (x: Char)Int method &: (x: Int)Int method &: (x: Long)Long method &: (x: Short)Int method *: (x: Byte)Int method *: (x: Char)Int method *: (x: Double)Double method *: (x: Float)Float method *: (x: Int)Int method *: (x: Long)Long method *: (x: Short)Int method +: (x: Byte)Int method +: (x: Char)Int method +: (x: Double)Double method +: (x: Float)Float method +: (x: Int)Int method +: (x: Long)Long method +: (x: Short)Int method +: (x: String)String method -: (x: Byte)Int method -: (x: Char)Int method -: (x: Double)Double method -: (x: Float)Float method -: (x: Int)Int method -: (x: Long)Long method -: (x: Short)Int method /: (x: Byte)Int method /: (x: Char)Int method /: (x: Double)Double method /: (x: Float)Float method /: (x: Int)Int method /: (x: Long)Long method /: (x: Short)Int method <: (x: Byte)Boolean method <: (x: Char)Boolean method <: (x: Double)Boolean method <: (x: Float)Boolean method <: (x: Int)Boolean method <: (x: Long)Boolean method <: (x: Short)Boolean method <<: (x: Int)Int method <<: (x: Long)Int method <=: (x: Byte)Boolean method <=: (x: Char)Boolean method <=: (x: Double)Boolean method <=: (x: Float)Boolean method <=: (x: Int)Boolean method <=: (x: Long)Boolean method <=: (x: Short)Boolean method ==: (x$1: Any)Boolean method ==: (x: Byte)Boolean method ==: (x: Char)Boolean method ==: (x: Double)Boolean method ==: (x: Float)Boolean method ==: (x: Int)Boolean method ==: (x: Long)Boolean method ==: (x: Short)Boolean method >: (x: Byte)Boolean method >: (x: Char)Boolean method >: (x: Double)Boolean method >: (x: Float)Boolean method >: (x: Int)Boolean method >: (x: Long)Boolean method >: (x: Short)Boolean method >=: (x: Byte)Boolean method >=: (x: Char)Boolean method >=: (x: Double)Boolean method >=: (x: Float)Boolean method >=: (x: Int)Boolean method >=: (x: Long)Boolean method >=: (x: Short)Boolean method >>: (x: Int)Int method >>: (x: Long)Int method >>>: (x: Int)Int method >>>: (x: Long)Int method ^: (x: Byte)Int method ^: (x: Char)Int method ^: (x: Int)Int method ^: (x: Long)Long method ^: (x: Short)Int method asInstanceOf: [T0]=> T0 method equals: (x$1: Any)Boolean method getClass: ()Class[Short] method hashCode: ()Int method isInstanceOf: [T0]=> Boolean method toByte: => Byte method toChar: => Char method toDouble: => Double method toFloat: => Float method toInt: => Int method toLong: => Long method toShort: => Short method toString: ()java.lang.String method unary_+: => Int method unary_-: => Int method unary_~: => Int method |: (x: Byte)Int method |: (x: Char)Int method |: (x: Int)Int method |: (x: Long)Long method |: (x: Short)Int testing Short.toByte() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Byte] =======> 2 testing Short.toShort() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Short] =======> 2 testing Short.toChar() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Character] =======>  testing Short.toInt() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 2 testing Short.toLong() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 2 testing Short.toFloat() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 2.0 testing Short.toDouble() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 2.0 testing Short.==(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.==(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.==(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.==(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.==(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.==(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.==(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.!=(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.!=(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.!=(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.!=(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.!=(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.!=(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.!=(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.<(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.<(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.<(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.<(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.<(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.<(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.<(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.<=(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.<=(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.<=(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.<=(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.<=(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.<=(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.<=(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.>(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.>(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.>(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.>(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.>(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.>(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.>(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Short.>=(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.>=(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.>=(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.>=(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.>=(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.>=(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.>=(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Short.+(String) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.String): [class java.lang.String] =======> 22 testing Short.+(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Short.+(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Short.+(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Short.+(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Short.+(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Short.+(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Short.+(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Short.-(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Short.-(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Short.-(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Short.-(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Short.-(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Short.-(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Short.-(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Short.*(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Short.*(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Short.*(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Short.*(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Short.*(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Short.*(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Short.*(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Short./(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Short./(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Short./(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Short./(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Short./(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 1 testing Short./(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 1.0 testing Short./(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Short.%(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Short.%(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Short.%(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Short.%(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Short.%(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Short.%(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Short.%(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 ============ Char it's important to print the list of Byte's members if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test constructor Char: ()Char method !=: (x$1: Any)Boolean method !=: (x: Byte)Boolean method !=: (x: Char)Boolean method !=: (x: Double)Boolean method !=: (x: Float)Boolean method !=: (x: Int)Boolean method !=: (x: Long)Boolean method !=: (x: Short)Boolean method ##: ()Int method %: (x: Byte)Int method %: (x: Char)Int method %: (x: Double)Double method %: (x: Float)Float method %: (x: Int)Int method %: (x: Long)Long method %: (x: Short)Int method &: (x: Byte)Int method &: (x: Char)Int method &: (x: Int)Int method &: (x: Long)Long method &: (x: Short)Int method *: (x: Byte)Int method *: (x: Char)Int method *: (x: Double)Double method *: (x: Float)Float method *: (x: Int)Int method *: (x: Long)Long method *: (x: Short)Int method +: (x: Byte)Int method +: (x: Char)Int method +: (x: Double)Double method +: (x: Float)Float method +: (x: Int)Int method +: (x: Long)Long method +: (x: Short)Int method +: (x: String)String method -: (x: Byte)Int method -: (x: Char)Int method -: (x: Double)Double method -: (x: Float)Float method -: (x: Int)Int method -: (x: Long)Long method -: (x: Short)Int method /: (x: Byte)Int method /: (x: Char)Int method /: (x: Double)Double method /: (x: Float)Float method /: (x: Int)Int method /: (x: Long)Long method /: (x: Short)Int method <: (x: Byte)Boolean method <: (x: Char)Boolean method <: (x: Double)Boolean method <: (x: Float)Boolean method <: (x: Int)Boolean method <: (x: Long)Boolean method <: (x: Short)Boolean method <<: (x: Int)Int method <<: (x: Long)Int method <=: (x: Byte)Boolean method <=: (x: Char)Boolean method <=: (x: Double)Boolean method <=: (x: Float)Boolean method <=: (x: Int)Boolean method <=: (x: Long)Boolean method <=: (x: Short)Boolean method ==: (x$1: Any)Boolean method ==: (x: Byte)Boolean method ==: (x: Char)Boolean method ==: (x: Double)Boolean method ==: (x: Float)Boolean method ==: (x: Int)Boolean method ==: (x: Long)Boolean method ==: (x: Short)Boolean method >: (x: Byte)Boolean method >: (x: Char)Boolean method >: (x: Double)Boolean method >: (x: Float)Boolean method >: (x: Int)Boolean method >: (x: Long)Boolean method >: (x: Short)Boolean method >=: (x: Byte)Boolean method >=: (x: Char)Boolean method >=: (x: Double)Boolean method >=: (x: Float)Boolean method >=: (x: Int)Boolean method >=: (x: Long)Boolean method >=: (x: Short)Boolean method >>: (x: Int)Int method >>: (x: Long)Int method >>>: (x: Int)Int method >>>: (x: Long)Int method ^: (x: Byte)Int method ^: (x: Char)Int method ^: (x: Int)Int method ^: (x: Long)Long method ^: (x: Short)Int method asInstanceOf: [T0]=> T0 method equals: (x$1: Any)Boolean method getClass: ()Class[Char] method hashCode: ()Int method isInstanceOf: [T0]=> Boolean method toByte: => Byte method toChar: => Char method toDouble: => Double method toFloat: => Float method toInt: => Int method toLong: => Long method toShort: => Short method toString: ()java.lang.String method unary_+: => Int method unary_-: => Int method unary_~: => Int method |: (x: Byte)Int method |: (x: Char)Int method |: (x: Int)Int method |: (x: Long)Long method |: (x: Short)Int testing Char.toByte() with receiver =  and args = List(): [class java.lang.Byte] =======> 2 testing Char.toShort() with receiver =  and args = List(): [class java.lang.Short] =======> 2 testing Char.toChar() with receiver =  and args = List(): [class java.lang.Character] =======>  testing Char.toInt() with receiver =  and args = List(): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 2 testing Char.toLong() with receiver =  and args = List(): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 2 testing Char.toFloat() with receiver =  and args = List(): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 2.0 testing Char.toDouble() with receiver =  and args = List(): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 2.0 testing Char.==(Byte) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.==(Short) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.==(Char) with receiver =  and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.==(Int) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.==(Long) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.==(Float) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.==(Double) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.!=(Byte) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.!=(Short) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.!=(Char) with receiver =  and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.!=(Int) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.!=(Long) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.!=(Float) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.!=(Double) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.<(Byte) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.<(Short) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.<(Char) with receiver =  and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.<(Int) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.<(Long) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.<(Float) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.<(Double) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.<=(Byte) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.<=(Short) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.<=(Char) with receiver =  and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.<=(Int) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.<=(Long) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.<=(Float) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.<=(Double) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.>(Byte) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.>(Short) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.>(Char) with receiver =  and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.>(Int) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.>(Long) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.>(Float) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.>(Double) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Char.>=(Byte) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.>=(Short) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.>=(Char) with receiver =  and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.>=(Int) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.>=(Long) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.>=(Float) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.>=(Double) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Char.+(String) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.String): [class java.lang.String] =======> 2 testing Char.+(Byte) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Char.+(Short) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Char.+(Char) with receiver =  and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Char.+(Int) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Char.+(Long) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Char.+(Float) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Char.+(Double) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Char.-(Byte) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Char.-(Short) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Char.-(Char) with receiver =  and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Char.-(Int) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Char.-(Long) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Char.-(Float) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Char.-(Double) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Char.*(Byte) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Char.*(Short) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Char.*(Char) with receiver =  and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Char.*(Int) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Char.*(Long) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Char.*(Float) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Char.*(Double) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Char./(Byte) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Char./(Short) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Char./(Char) with receiver =  and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Char./(Int) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Char./(Long) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 1 testing Char./(Float) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 1.0 testing Char./(Double) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Char.%(Byte) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Char.%(Short) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Char.%(Char) with receiver =  and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Char.%(Int) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Char.%(Long) with receiver =  and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Char.%(Float) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Char.%(Double) with receiver =  and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 ============ Int it's important to print the list of Byte's members if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test constructor Int: ()Int method !=: (x$1: Any)Boolean method !=: (x: Byte)Boolean method !=: (x: Char)Boolean method !=: (x: Double)Boolean method !=: (x: Float)Boolean method !=: (x: Int)Boolean method !=: (x: Long)Boolean method !=: (x: Short)Boolean method ##: ()Int method %: (x: Byte)Int method %: (x: Char)Int method %: (x: Double)Double method %: (x: Float)Float method %: (x: Int)Int method %: (x: Long)Long method %: (x: Short)Int method &: (x: Byte)Int method &: (x: Char)Int method &: (x: Int)Int method &: (x: Long)Long method &: (x: Short)Int method *: (x: Byte)Int method *: (x: Char)Int method *: (x: Double)Double method *: (x: Float)Float method *: (x: Int)Int method *: (x: Long)Long method *: (x: Short)Int method +: (x: Byte)Int method +: (x: Char)Int method +: (x: Double)Double method +: (x: Float)Float method +: (x: Int)Int method +: (x: Long)Long method +: (x: Short)Int method +: (x: String)String method -: (x: Byte)Int method -: (x: Char)Int method -: (x: Double)Double method -: (x: Float)Float method -: (x: Int)Int method -: (x: Long)Long method -: (x: Short)Int method /: (x: Byte)Int method /: (x: Char)Int method /: (x: Double)Double method /: (x: Float)Float method /: (x: Int)Int method /: (x: Long)Long method /: (x: Short)Int method <: (x: Byte)Boolean method <: (x: Char)Boolean method <: (x: Double)Boolean method <: (x: Float)Boolean method <: (x: Int)Boolean method <: (x: Long)Boolean method <: (x: Short)Boolean method <<: (x: Int)Int method <<: (x: Long)Int method <=: (x: Byte)Boolean method <=: (x: Char)Boolean method <=: (x: Double)Boolean method <=: (x: Float)Boolean method <=: (x: Int)Boolean method <=: (x: Long)Boolean method <=: (x: Short)Boolean method ==: (x$1: Any)Boolean method ==: (x: Byte)Boolean method ==: (x: Char)Boolean method ==: (x: Double)Boolean method ==: (x: Float)Boolean method ==: (x: Int)Boolean method ==: (x: Long)Boolean method ==: (x: Short)Boolean method >: (x: Byte)Boolean method >: (x: Char)Boolean method >: (x: Double)Boolean method >: (x: Float)Boolean method >: (x: Int)Boolean method >: (x: Long)Boolean method >: (x: Short)Boolean method >=: (x: Byte)Boolean method >=: (x: Char)Boolean method >=: (x: Double)Boolean method >=: (x: Float)Boolean method >=: (x: Int)Boolean method >=: (x: Long)Boolean method >=: (x: Short)Boolean method >>: (x: Int)Int method >>: (x: Long)Int method >>>: (x: Int)Int method >>>: (x: Long)Int method ^: (x: Byte)Int method ^: (x: Char)Int method ^: (x: Int)Int method ^: (x: Long)Long method ^: (x: Short)Int method asInstanceOf: [T0]=> T0 method equals: (x$1: Any)Boolean method getClass: ()Class[Int] method hashCode: ()Int method isInstanceOf: [T0]=> Boolean method toByte: => Byte method toChar: => Char method toDouble: => Double method toFloat: => Float method toInt: => Int method toLong: => Long method toShort: => Short method toString: ()java.lang.String method unary_+: => Int method unary_-: => Int method unary_~: => Int method |: (x: Byte)Int method |: (x: Char)Int method |: (x: Int)Int method |: (x: Long)Long method |: (x: Short)Int testing Int.toByte() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Byte] =======> 2 testing Int.toShort() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Short] =======> 2 testing Int.toChar() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Character] =======>  testing Int.toInt() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 2 testing Int.toLong() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 2 testing Int.toFloat() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 2.0 testing Int.toDouble() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 2.0 testing Int.==(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.==(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.==(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.==(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.==(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.==(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.==(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.!=(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.!=(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.!=(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.!=(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.!=(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.!=(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.!=(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.<(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.<(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.<(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.<(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.<(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.<(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.<(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.<=(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.<=(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.<=(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.<=(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.<=(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.<=(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.<=(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.>(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.>(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.>(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.>(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.>(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.>(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.>(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Int.>=(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.>=(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.>=(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.>=(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.>=(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.>=(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.>=(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Int.+(String) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.String): [class java.lang.String] =======> 22 testing Int.+(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Int.+(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Int.+(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Int.+(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Int.+(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Int.+(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Int.+(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Int.-(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Int.-(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Int.-(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Int.-(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Int.-(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Int.-(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Int.-(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Int.*(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Int.*(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Int.*(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Int.*(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 4 testing Int.*(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Int.*(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Int.*(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Int./(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Int./(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Int./(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Int./(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 1 testing Int./(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 1 testing Int./(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 1.0 testing Int./(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Int.%(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Int.%(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Int.%(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Int.%(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 0 testing Int.%(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Int.%(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Int.%(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 ============ Long it's important to print the list of Byte's members if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test constructor Long: ()Long method !=: (x$1: Any)Boolean method !=: (x: Byte)Boolean method !=: (x: Char)Boolean method !=: (x: Double)Boolean method !=: (x: Float)Boolean method !=: (x: Int)Boolean method !=: (x: Long)Boolean method !=: (x: Short)Boolean method ##: ()Int method %: (x: Byte)Long method %: (x: Char)Long method %: (x: Double)Double method %: (x: Float)Float method %: (x: Int)Long method %: (x: Long)Long method %: (x: Short)Long method &: (x: Byte)Long method &: (x: Char)Long method &: (x: Int)Long method &: (x: Long)Long method &: (x: Short)Long method *: (x: Byte)Long method *: (x: Char)Long method *: (x: Double)Double method *: (x: Float)Float method *: (x: Int)Long method *: (x: Long)Long method *: (x: Short)Long method +: (x: Byte)Long method +: (x: Char)Long method +: (x: Double)Double method +: (x: Float)Float method +: (x: Int)Long method +: (x: Long)Long method +: (x: Short)Long method +: (x: String)String method -: (x: Byte)Long method -: (x: Char)Long method -: (x: Double)Double method -: (x: Float)Float method -: (x: Int)Long method -: (x: Long)Long method -: (x: Short)Long method /: (x: Byte)Long method /: (x: Char)Long method /: (x: Double)Double method /: (x: Float)Float method /: (x: Int)Long method /: (x: Long)Long method /: (x: Short)Long method <: (x: Byte)Boolean method <: (x: Char)Boolean method <: (x: Double)Boolean method <: (x: Float)Boolean method <: (x: Int)Boolean method <: (x: Long)Boolean method <: (x: Short)Boolean method <<: (x: Int)Long method <<: (x: Long)Long method <=: (x: Byte)Boolean method <=: (x: Char)Boolean method <=: (x: Double)Boolean method <=: (x: Float)Boolean method <=: (x: Int)Boolean method <=: (x: Long)Boolean method <=: (x: Short)Boolean method ==: (x$1: Any)Boolean method ==: (x: Byte)Boolean method ==: (x: Char)Boolean method ==: (x: Double)Boolean method ==: (x: Float)Boolean method ==: (x: Int)Boolean method ==: (x: Long)Boolean method ==: (x: Short)Boolean method >: (x: Byte)Boolean method >: (x: Char)Boolean method >: (x: Double)Boolean method >: (x: Float)Boolean method >: (x: Int)Boolean method >: (x: Long)Boolean method >: (x: Short)Boolean method >=: (x: Byte)Boolean method >=: (x: Char)Boolean method >=: (x: Double)Boolean method >=: (x: Float)Boolean method >=: (x: Int)Boolean method >=: (x: Long)Boolean method >=: (x: Short)Boolean method >>: (x: Int)Long method >>: (x: Long)Long method >>>: (x: Int)Long method >>>: (x: Long)Long method ^: (x: Byte)Long method ^: (x: Char)Long method ^: (x: Int)Long method ^: (x: Long)Long method ^: (x: Short)Long method asInstanceOf: [T0]=> T0 method equals: (x$1: Any)Boolean method getClass: ()Class[Long] method hashCode: ()Int method isInstanceOf: [T0]=> Boolean method toByte: => Byte method toChar: => Char method toDouble: => Double method toFloat: => Float method toInt: => Int method toLong: => Long method toShort: => Short method toString: ()java.lang.String method unary_+: => Long method unary_-: => Long method unary_~: => Long method |: (x: Byte)Long method |: (x: Char)Long method |: (x: Int)Long method |: (x: Long)Long method |: (x: Short)Long testing Long.toByte() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Byte] =======> 2 testing Long.toShort() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Short] =======> 2 testing Long.toChar() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Character] =======>  testing Long.toInt() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 2 testing Long.toLong() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 2 testing Long.toFloat() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 2.0 testing Long.toDouble() with receiver = 2 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 2.0 testing Long.==(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.==(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.==(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.==(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.==(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.==(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.==(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.!=(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.!=(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.!=(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.!=(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.!=(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.!=(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.!=(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.<(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.<(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.<(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.<(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.<(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.<(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.<(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.<=(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.<=(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.<=(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.<=(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.<=(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.<=(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.<=(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.>(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.>(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.>(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.>(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.>(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.>(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.>(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Long.>=(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.>=(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.>=(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.>=(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.>=(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.>=(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.>=(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Long.+(String) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.String): [class java.lang.String] =======> 22 testing Long.+(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Long.+(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Long.+(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Long.+(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Long.+(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Long.+(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Long.+(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Long.-(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Long.-(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Long.-(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Long.-(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Long.-(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Long.-(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Long.-(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Long.*(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Long.*(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Long.*(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Long.*(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Long.*(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 4 testing Long.*(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Long.*(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Long./(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 1 testing Long./(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 1 testing Long./(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 1 testing Long./(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 1 testing Long./(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 1 testing Long./(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 1.0 testing Long./(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Long.%(Byte) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Long.%(Short) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Long.%(Char) with receiver = 2 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Long.%(Int) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Long.%(Long) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 0 testing Long.%(Float) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Long.%(Double) with receiver = 2 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 ============ Float it's important to print the list of Byte's members if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test constructor Float: ()Float method !=: (x$1: Any)Boolean method !=: (x: Byte)Boolean method !=: (x: Char)Boolean method !=: (x: Double)Boolean method !=: (x: Float)Boolean method !=: (x: Int)Boolean method !=: (x: Long)Boolean method !=: (x: Short)Boolean method ##: ()Int method %: (x: Byte)Float method %: (x: Char)Float method %: (x: Double)Double method %: (x: Float)Float method %: (x: Int)Float method %: (x: Long)Float method %: (x: Short)Float method *: (x: Byte)Float method *: (x: Char)Float method *: (x: Double)Double method *: (x: Float)Float method *: (x: Int)Float method *: (x: Long)Float method *: (x: Short)Float method +: (x: Byte)Float method +: (x: Char)Float method +: (x: Double)Double method +: (x: Float)Float method +: (x: Int)Float method +: (x: Long)Float method +: (x: Short)Float method +: (x: String)String method -: (x: Byte)Float method -: (x: Char)Float method -: (x: Double)Double method -: (x: Float)Float method -: (x: Int)Float method -: (x: Long)Float method -: (x: Short)Float method /: (x: Byte)Float method /: (x: Char)Float method /: (x: Double)Double method /: (x: Float)Float method /: (x: Int)Float method /: (x: Long)Float method /: (x: Short)Float method <: (x: Byte)Boolean method <: (x: Char)Boolean method <: (x: Double)Boolean method <: (x: Float)Boolean method <: (x: Int)Boolean method <: (x: Long)Boolean method <: (x: Short)Boolean method <=: (x: Byte)Boolean method <=: (x: Char)Boolean method <=: (x: Double)Boolean method <=: (x: Float)Boolean method <=: (x: Int)Boolean method <=: (x: Long)Boolean method <=: (x: Short)Boolean method ==: (x$1: Any)Boolean method ==: (x: Byte)Boolean method ==: (x: Char)Boolean method ==: (x: Double)Boolean method ==: (x: Float)Boolean method ==: (x: Int)Boolean method ==: (x: Long)Boolean method ==: (x: Short)Boolean method >: (x: Byte)Boolean method >: (x: Char)Boolean method >: (x: Double)Boolean method >: (x: Float)Boolean method >: (x: Int)Boolean method >: (x: Long)Boolean method >: (x: Short)Boolean method >=: (x: Byte)Boolean method >=: (x: Char)Boolean method >=: (x: Double)Boolean method >=: (x: Float)Boolean method >=: (x: Int)Boolean method >=: (x: Long)Boolean method >=: (x: Short)Boolean method asInstanceOf: [T0]=> T0 method equals: (x$1: Any)Boolean method getClass: ()Class[Float] method hashCode: ()Int method isInstanceOf: [T0]=> Boolean method toByte: => Byte method toChar: => Char method toDouble: => Double method toFloat: => Float method toInt: => Int method toLong: => Long method toShort: => Short method toString: ()java.lang.String method unary_+: => Float method unary_-: => Float testing Float.toByte() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Byte] =======> 2 testing Float.toShort() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Short] =======> 2 testing Float.toChar() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Character] =======>  testing Float.toInt() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 2 testing Float.toLong() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 2 testing Float.toFloat() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 2.0 testing Float.toDouble() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 2.0 testing Float.==(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.==(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.==(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.==(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.==(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.==(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.==(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.!=(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.!=(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.!=(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.!=(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.!=(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.!=(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.!=(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.<(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.<(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.<(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.<(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.<(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.<(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.<(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.<=(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.<=(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.<=(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.<=(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.<=(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.<=(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.<=(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.>(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.>(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.>(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.>(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.>(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.>(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.>(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Float.>=(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.>=(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.>=(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.>=(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.>=(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.>=(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.>=(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Float.+(String) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.String): [class java.lang.String] =======> 2.02 testing Float.+(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Float.+(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Float.+(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Float.+(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Float.+(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Float.+(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Float.+(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Float.-(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Float.-(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Float.-(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Float.-(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Float.-(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Float.-(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Float.-(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Float.*(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Float.*(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Float.*(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Float.*(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Float.*(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Float.*(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 4.0 testing Float.*(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Float./(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 1.0 testing Float./(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 1.0 testing Float./(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 1.0 testing Float./(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 1.0 testing Float./(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 1.0 testing Float./(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 1.0 testing Float./(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Float.%(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Float.%(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Float.%(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Float.%(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Float.%(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Float.%(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 0.0 testing Float.%(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 ============ Double it's important to print the list of Byte's members if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test constructor Double: ()Double method !=: (x$1: Any)Boolean method !=: (x: Byte)Boolean method !=: (x: Char)Boolean method !=: (x: Double)Boolean method !=: (x: Float)Boolean method !=: (x: Int)Boolean method !=: (x: Long)Boolean method !=: (x: Short)Boolean method ##: ()Int method %: (x: Byte)Double method %: (x: Char)Double method %: (x: Double)Double method %: (x: Float)Double method %: (x: Int)Double method %: (x: Long)Double method %: (x: Short)Double method *: (x: Byte)Double method *: (x: Char)Double method *: (x: Double)Double method *: (x: Float)Double method *: (x: Int)Double method *: (x: Long)Double method *: (x: Short)Double method +: (x: Byte)Double method +: (x: Char)Double method +: (x: Double)Double method +: (x: Float)Double method +: (x: Int)Double method +: (x: Long)Double method +: (x: Short)Double method +: (x: String)String method -: (x: Byte)Double method -: (x: Char)Double method -: (x: Double)Double method -: (x: Float)Double method -: (x: Int)Double method -: (x: Long)Double method -: (x: Short)Double method /: (x: Byte)Double method /: (x: Char)Double method /: (x: Double)Double method /: (x: Float)Double method /: (x: Int)Double method /: (x: Long)Double method /: (x: Short)Double method <: (x: Byte)Boolean method <: (x: Char)Boolean method <: (x: Double)Boolean method <: (x: Float)Boolean method <: (x: Int)Boolean method <: (x: Long)Boolean method <: (x: Short)Boolean method <=: (x: Byte)Boolean method <=: (x: Char)Boolean method <=: (x: Double)Boolean method <=: (x: Float)Boolean method <=: (x: Int)Boolean method <=: (x: Long)Boolean method <=: (x: Short)Boolean method ==: (x$1: Any)Boolean method ==: (x: Byte)Boolean method ==: (x: Char)Boolean method ==: (x: Double)Boolean method ==: (x: Float)Boolean method ==: (x: Int)Boolean method ==: (x: Long)Boolean method ==: (x: Short)Boolean method >: (x: Byte)Boolean method >: (x: Char)Boolean method >: (x: Double)Boolean method >: (x: Float)Boolean method >: (x: Int)Boolean method >: (x: Long)Boolean method >: (x: Short)Boolean method >=: (x: Byte)Boolean method >=: (x: Char)Boolean method >=: (x: Double)Boolean method >=: (x: Float)Boolean method >=: (x: Int)Boolean method >=: (x: Long)Boolean method >=: (x: Short)Boolean method asInstanceOf: [T0]=> T0 method equals: (x$1: Any)Boolean method getClass: ()Class[Double] method hashCode: ()Int method isInstanceOf: [T0]=> Boolean method toByte: => Byte method toChar: => Char method toDouble: => Double method toFloat: => Float method toInt: => Int method toLong: => Long method toShort: => Short method toString: ()java.lang.String method unary_+: => Double method unary_-: => Double testing Double.toByte() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Byte] =======> 2 testing Double.toShort() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Short] =======> 2 testing Double.toChar() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Character] =======>  testing Double.toInt() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Integer] =======> 2 testing Double.toLong() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Long] =======> 2 testing Double.toFloat() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Float] =======> 2.0 testing Double.toDouble() with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 2.0 testing Double.==(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.==(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.==(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.==(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.==(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.==(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.==(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.!=(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.!=(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.!=(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.!=(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.!=(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.!=(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.!=(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.<(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.<(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.<(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.<(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.<(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.<(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.<(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.<=(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.<=(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.<=(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.<=(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.<=(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.<=(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.<=(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.>(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.>(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.>(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.>(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.>(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.>(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.>(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Double.>=(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.>=(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.>=(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.>=(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.>=(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.>=(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.>=(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Double.+(String) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.String): [class java.lang.String] =======> 2.02 testing Double.+(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.+(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.+(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.+(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.+(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.+(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.+(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.-(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.-(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.-(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.-(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.-(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.-(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.-(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.*(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.*(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.*(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.*(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.*(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.*(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double.*(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 4.0 testing Double./(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Double./(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Double./(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Double./(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Double./(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Double./(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Double./(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 1.0 testing Double.%(Byte) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Byte): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.%(Short) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Short): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.%(Char) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List( class java.lang.Character): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.%(Int) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Integer): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.%(Long) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2 class java.lang.Long): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.%(Float) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Float): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 testing Double.%(Double) with receiver = 2.0 and args = List(2.0 class java.lang.Double): [class java.lang.Double] =======> 0.0 ============ Boolean it's important to print the list of Byte's members if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test constructor Boolean: ()Boolean method !=: (x$1: Any)Boolean method !=: (x: Boolean)Boolean method ##: ()Int method &&: (x: Boolean)Boolean method &: (x: Boolean)Boolean method ==: (x$1: Any)Boolean method ==: (x: Boolean)Boolean method ^: (x: Boolean)Boolean method asInstanceOf: [T0]=> T0 method equals: (x$1: Any)Boolean method getClass: ()Class[Boolean] method hashCode: ()Int method isInstanceOf: [T0]=> Boolean method toString: ()java.lang.String method unary_!: => Boolean method |: (x: Boolean)Boolean method ||: (x: Boolean)Boolean testing Boolean.unary_!() with receiver = true and args = List(): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Boolean.==(Boolean) with receiver = true and args = List(true class java.lang.Boolean): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Boolean.!=(Boolean) with receiver = true and args = List(true class java.lang.Boolean): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false testing Boolean.||(Boolean) with receiver = true and args = List(true class java.lang.Boolean): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Boolean.&&(Boolean) with receiver = true and args = List(true class java.lang.Boolean): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Boolean.|(Boolean) with receiver = true and args = List(true class java.lang.Boolean): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Boolean.&(Boolean) with receiver = true and args = List(true class java.lang.Boolean): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> true testing Boolean.^(Boolean) with receiver = true and args = List(true class java.lang.Boolean): [class java.lang.Boolean] =======> false ============ Unit it's important to print the list of Byte's members if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test constructor Unit: ()Unit method !=: (x$1: Any)Boolean method ##: ()Int method ==: (x$1: Any)Boolean method asInstanceOf: [T0]=> T0 method equals: (x$1: Any)Boolean method getClass: ()Class[Unit] method hashCode: ()Int method isInstanceOf: [T0]=> Boolean method toString: ()java.lang.String