import // SI-7740 object Test extends SessionTest { def session = """Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information. scala> def f = throw new Exception("Uh-oh") f: Nothing scala> f java.lang.Exception: Uh-oh at .f(:7) ... 69 elided scala> def f = throw new Exception("") f: Nothing scala> f java.lang.Exception: at .f(:7) ... 69 elided scala> def f = throw new Exception f: Nothing scala> f java.lang.Exception at .f(:7) ... 69 elided scala> """ // remove the "elided" lines because the frame count is variable lazy val elided = """\s+\.{3} (?:\d+) elided""".r def filtered(lines: Seq[String]) = lines filter { case elided() => false ; case _ => true } override def eval() = filtered(super.eval().toSeq).iterator override def expected = filtered(super.expected).toList }